Okay, honestly, this protagonists situation is absolutely terrifying and sad. She's in a world with very outdated technology and outdated beliefs, outdated clothes, and outdated food, no modern comforts, she has no friends or family, people don't like her (she got slapped by the prince, which is assault), and she's all alone. To make it worse, it's not like she time traveled into the past. No, she traveled to an entirely different world, where her home, HER world, do not and have never existed. She's in a FICTIONAL world, where she believes that the world she is in and the people she interacts with are all fictional. To her, it's not even real. She's also doing things she doesn't want to and she has to constantly put on a mask/facade or else people will think she's crazy. Imagine yourself in that position. I'd be very scared and I'd probably cry every 5 minutes, even though I'm not usually emotional. She's handling her situation extremely and astonishingly well, and I'm so glad I found this manwha, cuz honestly it is so refreshing. Reading other ones where the protagonist DOESN'T at least try to go home at all??? It confounded me. Anyway this got very long and I apologize but if you read this all then kudos to you
I really hope Jeremy gets some good character development, or at the very least I hope he doesn't die. I feel like he's got a lot of potential.
Jeremy sure, he's actually an empathetic character but Dion, nope. No thanks. He killed her brother with absolutely zero emotions just in case you forgot.Also he has some sort of twisted obsession with her, he's capable of killing anything she loves. I just hope he dies since he's a huge obstacle on Roxanna's way.
I cried this entire chapter. Just straight tears and PAIN and OMGIWANTTHEMALLTOBETOGETHERANDBEHAPPYAGAIN