I been trying find this bl for a long time probably since I found this website like I think the bottom had a crush on the top and he wanted to have sex with him for the first and last time but they kept going and I remember this one scene where they were at the libary and the bottom was talking to someone and the top got jealous
I know it’s not a lot but if anyone read it or remembers the name pleas tell me
Yall I’m scared my dog drinked my coffee from dunking it was cold brew I drinked half of it and when I came back it was gone and saw my dog had and the rest was gone it was a small i don’t know what to do is he going to be okay
take him immediately 2 the vet
dont wait until he feels bad
I think caffeine can be really poisonous for dogs, please bring him to a vet!
Idk bout u, but my dog drink anything, be it wine, coffee, coke,
But that's prolly cause he's a street doggy
he must have 1 strong stomach
This made me a little bit more calmer I see people giving their dogs energy drinks n some other things and today was like the first time he did it