bruh created a topic of Fire in the Swamp
bruh created a topic of Honey Trouble

This needs a tragedy tag………….


bruh created a topic of The Youngest Princess

How tf is this shit still on going

I would’ve killed everyone right there and then for him

bruh created a topic of Our Tyrant Became Young


bruh created a topic of Lady Crystal is a Man

UHM?!?!? Why is crystal suddenly so tired?!? ILLIAN?!?!?! ⁄(⁄ ⁄·⁄ω⁄·⁄ ⁄)⁄

Took you long enough maythan wtf

bruh created a topic of Punch Drunk Love

Seonwoo and his priorities

Oooh finally I’ve been waiting for this

bruh created a topic of College Student Empress

She has all the time in the world but can’t even talk to Lyn?!?!?

And when will we see that dashing crowman again?!

bruh created a topic of Toxin

Imagine if they actually end up together lolololol

bruh created a topic of Jinx

I mean fuck you Horsie but yeah Dan you’re convincing no one here

bruh created a topic of Takatora-kun to Omegatachi

And he’s actually the “kindest” of them too

bruh created a topic of Honey Trouble

Staying for the art style

bruh created a topic of Our Tyrant Became Young
bruh created a topic of I Can See Your Stats!

Lol this freaky ass dragon