So frustrating, the twins being so negative annoyed me so much, close minded etc why are they like this!.. They are supposed to be matured since originally there not a child by mind however there action is just sigh.........
They are being like this because of childhood trauma. Do you think you could open up to people, especially your father who did nothing to save you from your physically and mentally abusive mother? They have practically gone back to children mentally as well, because they can't handle it anymore.
Nah fam. There is absolutely no excuses for letting those children grow up in that household. Idc if the dad had some contract he should’ve tried harder. Sending them money isn’t enough. He doesn’t get to play victim, he gets to spend his entire life trying to repay them for what he put them through.
I saw this last month but I didn't read it cause I knew that this story seems painful and I may not handle it, however today I seems bored and decided to read, I'm speechless and my heart is crying , now that I'm done reading I didn't even know what the tittle of this story, when I look back it's says December and I realized today is month of December. How odd and the coincidences