All those instances and my heart's going all over the place sobs. Add up that there's 2 more chapters left, there are still loose ends, and the fact that I wish this won't end but it will *more sobbing* Setting all of that aside, I'm thankful that the author had shared this story with us. Will definitely reread this again and again :')

I understood Avery's decision and I kind of felt she was leaning towards that path in previous chapters too and my thoughts were reinforced when she asked Albert if he'll still like her if she wasn't in her current situation too. I think Avery understands that if Albert were to let go of his title, Albert's bloodline will end there but with Avery renouncing hers, she still has other family to continue it on. I actually like the decision she made and so excited to see how the story progresses with this hoho
I feel so bad, sad, and upset for Yeonwoo. Reading the recent chapter was so difficult and I just wanted to cry yknow? Idk man, I just hope Taehwan gets a redemption arc of some sort. I don't want to baby any of them cause they each have their issues but dang, I hope this part of the story develops beautifully. I'm scared(⊙…⊙ )
i mean Yeonwoo likes how he treats him and he also has kissed and humped on him without his consent so- they are both in the wrong ;-; like if it was the top doing does stuff everyone would be saying he’s a bad person so i don’t understand
Yeah agreed tho. Just like I said at the end, both have their issues. I should've said that I hope both have their redemption arcs whether they end up together or not (⊙…⊙ )