I only masturbate to this. But my mind doesn't enjoy it very much hahaha. I can appreciate how well done this is for it's genre though. I thank you Harada, this is one of your works that made me stop halfway as I was masturbating to think about my morals and made sure I wasn't crossing the line for myself. I continued anyway, and I'm still sane (yay!)
Now I must read fluff
I read and watch a lot of fucked up shit, so from time to time I need to balance that out with some fluff so I don't go crazy or something. So if you can recommend any really cute, happy and fluffy yaoi mangas, I'd really appreciate it! One shots are ok too :3
kimi to parade (sequel: paradise view)
itoshi to nekkoke (im not sure how this is spelt...)
blue sky complex
this is the oneshot http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/toyed_aniya_yuiji/
And this is the long one http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/mou_ichido_nando_demo/
http://www.mangago.zone/read-manga/yamete_kudasai_mabushii_desu/ this one!!
yamada to shounen
ok im done
Just in the mood for fluff after reading a lot of drama/tragedy yaoi (●'◡'●)ノ
http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/200/ - Fluff
http://www.mangago.zone/home/mangalist/116513/ - Heartwarming
Ikr I died internally XD and fan girling with that the author used that ref lolol this manga is like fujoshi dream +=+ or just girl dream in general doe's abs +^+