Here's my personal analysis of this manga. It's all subjective so feel free to disagree, agree or to not give a shit.
Ok, so I don't think Seungho is such a detestable and sadistic person as a lot of people think here. If you go back and read as things happened chronologically, you will realize that, ironically, Seungho is truly the only one (other than the servant) who truly cares about NK. Let me explain myself:
First, let's bring back the context (time period, traditions..) and put yourself in Seungho shoes. He is a noble man from a prestigious family with power, money and total freedom. He has a mysterious dark past that we still don't know much about so let's keep it aside for now (although it might certainly explain his personality and current behavior). The guy is consumed by lust and is suddenly aroused by some paintings from a random talented artist. Without any thinking, as he is used to always have his way, he decides to bring him to his house to paint for him whenever he wants. The fact the artist turns out to be a young "lowborn" did not help. Seungho knows that he can make him do whatever he wants, including killing him with no second thoughts if he refuses to paint. He is all happy and joyful at first but then realizes that NK is stubborn and does not want to do as told. Things get more complicated than he thought!
He shows some patience at first but then the water-damaged painting is too much. He decides to punish NK severely as he would do with any other non-obedient subordinate. The beating scene is about to happen and it is actually the very first time we see some (unexpected) clemency from Seungho. At the very last minute, he decides to spare NK (while still thinking he is the one who damaged the painting). Why he did it.. I don't know! But it shows that he somehow pity NK at this point (HE CARES). Afterwards, he realizes that it was not his fault and proceeds to punish that noble guy who was hitting NK to get revenge.
Second major plot of the story: Seungho brings this learned shit to NK as a ultimate way to force him do the only thing he expects from him: painting those dams scenes. Finally, it works and NK shows some cooperation. Notice here that Seungho could just life-threat NK since he has the power to but he decides to act more strategically. Mainly because NK is stubborn like hell and he would probably accept his fatal faith so threatening him with something more relevant was the right move. Also, Seungho is surprised and intrigued by NK's admiration and respect towards this learned sir (although he immediately realizes that the teacher is nothing more than a walking fraud).
As days go by, Seungho starts to notice that NK is secretly aroused by the scenes he paints. This fact enhances Seungho's interest towards NK without realizing that it also catalyses his own desire. He is amused that NK acts innocently while feeling all these things deep inside (and touching himself later on>> he notices his erection during that famous threesome and smiles when he sees NK running away so quickly when he asks him to show the painting). During the following sex scene with that mean noble guy with long hair, Seungho can't help it but constantly look at NK while doing it. I think it is mainly out of curiosity to see how NK gets slowly aroused and try to pick his reactions. He's also excited by it but I still don't think he is aware of his own reaction at that point. When the sex is done, Seungho is now so focused on NK that nothing else matters. He asks him to stay there and keep painting. He starts teasing him to make him admit his secret desire. He finally succeed to when NK reacts the same way as before and runs away from the room. Seungho stops him there and makes him slowly surrender. That scene was beautiful. One of my favorite. We can feel the tension and the antagonism NK was experiencing. He was totally confused, upset and also aroused. The fact Seungho notices that he was erecting after what happened with NK was as funny as surprising to him. He smiles when looking at his own erect member under his pants. That particular event manages to turn his interest towards NK into an -inexplicable- desire.
Good, now the main sex scene between the protagonists. It happens due to a total misunderstanding and confusion thanks to alcohol! Seungho goes to NK room looking for the liquor. He finds a drunk NK who suddenly jumps into his arms and kisses him, thinking it's his learned shit. Of course, knowing his personality, Seungho won't miss such opportunity to play around. Notice that it takes him a moment to respond to that kiss. He is first surprised and after few seconds, he is totally into NK. He is astonished when NK tells him it's his first time and makes an (unexpected) effort to slow down and to prepare him properly so he could somehow enjoy it (HE CARES). He asks him if he wants to go all the way and NK says YES! NK ended up declaring that he liked it very much and that he likes him (still thinking he was with his teacher and not Seungho). Ok, for me, it was not a rape since NK gave his consent from beginning to end. It was a manipulative and cruel move from Seungho, that I agree.
Following that day, Seungho is all joy and happiness (again) expecting NK to vividly remember what happened between them. At this point, after the interest and desire, he reaches the obsession stage. Really, after that, nothing else than NK will matter. Well, the upsetting truth (for Seungho) is that NK doesn't remember shit. Annoyed, Seungho decides then to tease NK, as usual, and asks him to paint the last hot scene he witnessed. He ends up painting the erection scene and not the main sex scene which manages to drive Seungho crazy. His jealousy is meanwhile increasing as he realizes how much NK actually loves the selfish teacher (especially after the love making). Then happens the most violent and cruel scene so far. That one made me real uncomfortable. Seungho loses his temper as he finally tells NK what happened that night. NK replies violently saying he would have never done such things if not with his teacher and he scratches Seungho's face. Him, the lord of the house! The high noble man been rejected by that lowborn! If we care about the context, NK would have been dead meat after such a move. Seungho, very offended (as we may all expect) reacts impulsively with a similar violence and smashes NK's face on the floor. He then proceeds to rape him so he will remember for sure but he stops right after noticing that NK is traumatized and not erecting at all (how surprising xD)! Ok, this one is hard to see.. but HE DID CARE! Otherwise, he would have never stopped. Wait... it gets better! He gives a horse to his servant and asks him to go to the pavilion (to take care of NK). Seungho takes a bath but cannot forget what happens. Out of concern and probably regrets as well, he goes looking after the poor NK who is now also taking a bath and crying his eyes out. Seungho leans to him asking him to stop crying and does this very affectionate gesture: he caresses his lovely face (Told you he cares). NK violently remove his hand and tells him that "he hates him so much he would rather die"! Really, NK?! What a great timing. You never learn xD Anyways, Seungho gets pissed off like crazy and we all know what happens next, near the learned shit room.
After that, Seungho makes a verbal agreement with NK. Basically, he would have sex with him whenever he wants so he would spare the teacher's life. Technically, he will be taking advantage of the situation and abusing his power. Anyways, the teacher makes another kind of agreement with NK. He would keep doing what Seungho asks him so he will be promoted. Between, these two selfish guys, we have an innocent and naive boy sacrificing everything he has. In these terrible circumstances, I expect Seungho to care more and more and hopefully stops acting impulsively (violently) with NK. The teacher will keep manipulating NK to get Seungho down while NK will slowly gets addicted to Seungho touch and skin. I guess he will betray him at some point (because of the teacher's plan) not really realizing what he has done. Seungho will experience some deep shit and only then, NK will start to care back. Finally, once he will know the true nature of his beloved teacher, he will go back to Seungho with all his affection (and maybe helping him in someway to fix his past?) I can't wait to see how their relationship will evolve. Also, you are very brave if you read all this. Thanks. Now, I have to go get a life.

Great analysis overall dude. The only thing I have to disagree with is the idea that Seungho didn’t rape Nakyum in chapter 20-21. I can see why you’d think he didn’t because Nakyum obviously wanted it. But, let’s be clear that he only wanted it because he thought he was having sex with Inhun. He consented to sex with INHUN. Not Seungho. Just because you are horny in the moment doesn’t mean you consent to sex with whatever warm body is around you. That would be like saying after you got shitfaced drunk and someone who you thought was your S.O advanced on you it wasn’t rape, or at the very least you being taken advantage of. On top of that, they were pretending to be your S.O the entire time because they KNEW you wouldn’t consent to sex with them. How it was portrayed it definitely wasn’t easy to say it was “rape” for some people because it didn’t involve any violence. But under the circumstances and given the context of Nakyums feelings toward Inhun and his feelings toward Seungho, it’s appropriate to classify it as such.

If it were the case that Seungho fell into the Inhun trap for Nakyum's help, I feel that Seungho would no longer trust anyone, he would become miserable and more aggressive than he already is ╥﹏╥
It would be interesting to see although the author has already defined the story (⊙…⊙ )
I want it to be Friday

Hi there,
I am looking for a specific extra of this series. I could not find it anywhere, yet I am sure someone shared it here in the comment section at some point. It's a scene that happened right after Sudo kidnapped Aki and tried to kill him (Vol.8 Ch.60). Asami saved the day, like always, and the two returned home. Akihito made coffee and they chilled on the couch. Akihito kept asking Asami questions about all the dangerous people surrounding him and stuff. At some point, he told him he prefers capturing these events through his camera and he suddenly gets on top of him, with his arms around Asami's neck. They share an intense look and Aki makes a move for a kiss... and right after that scene, there's the one sleeping on the bed.. before the huge commando scene invading Asami's apartment. Anyways, I am looking for the hot scene following the intense look and the kiss. From what I remember, there is a specific extra of that scene. They basically make it right there on the couch. That part also shows in more details what happened with Sudo. Asami asks Akihito if something happened (meaning rape), and Aki says no. And from there, they go on with the kisses and sutff. Does someone has a link to that extra? Thanks!

No, there is an extended version of that chapter. I think the one uploaded was published as a chapter, but the extended version was in the book? I have heard of this fabled extended version but never seen it on a manga site. I've seen bits of it on tumblr though.

Exactly! I am looking for this extended version. My bad, I thought it was an extra. Now I understand why I couldn't find it in any manga site since it's actually an exclusive book version. I've seen all of it already 'cause someone in this forum posted a link a while ago. Now that I am reading this manga all over again, that part is cruelly missing. It gives more sense to the abrupt transition between the couch and the bed scene. It also shows how Sudo is jealous of Akihito and totally crazy. I wish someone still has a link to it...
Roughly, when NK drinks the beverage he says something like "I don't want more, it makes me feel strange".
While Suengho is with NK, he tells him that when he was younger he used to play a game with his servants when they annoy him. He would undo their clothes and draw on their bodies. He then stops asking NK "Why are you hard suddenly?" (The brevage is probably an aphrodisiac that the servant gave to NK thinking it would help him bare the sex with the master. I guess Seungho doesn't know about it and may think NK is craving for his touch. I am pretty confused by such turning of events. Let's wait and see how all this evolves).
The servant interrupts the blowing scene saying "The young master is here" (Seems like Seungho has a little brother. We'll finally have more development to the plot).