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Includes seme that are playboys, cheat, take the Uke for granted, treat the uke as only a friend with benefits or shows limited affection toward uke. This also includes seme that think the uke will always be by their side until they’re not or doesn't see uke as a love interest. Overall, angsty stories.

21 04,2024
HeHeHe asked a question

Can someone recommend me a story about cheating that really portray cheating instead of "misunderstanding" like 10 years that i love you the most and i don't really care if the couple still stay together in the end or not

HeHeHe answered question about question
Mine is Masdo, their songs have 90s vibes and my favourite song of them is "pujaanku" you guys should check it out
HeHeHe created a topic of SaYe

Anyone have the novel link that i can download

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