I can´t choice created a topic of Boy meets Girl

What the hell even is this shit!??

I can´t choice created a topic of Potato Trap

What a waste to drop this!! :` (

I can´t choice created a topic of Pearl Boy

Why these 2 babies gotta keep having one cry like every chapter

NO!! You did not just order that, you obsessed, sick psycho

Finally side stories are here!! I´ve been waiting for so long

Ugh I can´t keep reading this, giving up after 7+ ch Cuz so far the mc just makes me feel slightly annoyed and that duke is a pos pissing me off.
I´m just disgusted so imma drop out

Oh no bby, I very much doubt those words will amuse the psycho king!!

I can´t choice created a topic of Wolf Pack

Had to re-read it almost immediately after finishing it. Story is very interesting and beautiful. All the characters are precious, I love every member of the pack.
Freaking gorgeous art!!
Can´t believe it this short tho... T_T Cuz this really deserve many more ch.

I can´t choice created a topic of Never Good Enough

I really like the authors other works, but this one just not good enough imo
Just felt nothing for either any of the characters or the story itself

I can´t choice created a topic of Flower of the Sun

I should have waited longer before I picked this up again..
All I got from this was pain and suffering T_T Zin, go get your man quick now ffs

That pos prince better have a lot of suffering and pain in his near future
And I´m pissed to share my bd with that mofo

Started reading and found out this is some brutal shit.
Then reading some comments and realizing this gonna have me bawling

At first I was really into the story, it seemed interesting and all.. but then I started to get
these wth thoughts. Like why did president Kim abuse Seyeon if he was a supposedly "good guy"!? on order by the dad, or to him it was like punishing the dad/lover.. who knows..
I ended up wanting to get more of Sejin and the prosecutor.
And btw Seyeon accusing his brother w/o any proof pissed me of a bit. I hope he did apologize for that. I´d say it´s an ok read

I can´t choice created a topic of unprecedented

The only thing I disliked was there´s to few ch. yet :`) The waiting game so begins

I can´t choice created a topic of Corrosive

This just pisses me off, and it´s really nothing good about it.
I got lured in with the horror and zombies... and I guess I gonna stay to see if it
gonna get better and the plot evolve to be something more than just r*pe

I can´t choice created a topic of Flashlight

Well this have really caught my interest..
Love it so far, and patiently awaiting more ch. HOT!!

I can´t choice created a topic of Bones and Petals

Another manipulative, psycho mf ra*ist.. Why was I even slightly surprised
wow so impressive!

Just k-word the pos and get the hell out Jess

I can´t choice created a topic of 10 Year Of Lies

So glad to see the people in comment section is not on board with this, cuz this shit is not it

I can´t choice created a topic of Moonlight

Well... thought it sounded like it could be interesting, but so far I´m not liking it AT ALL
The prince is a fu*ked up little psychopath, and the knight kinda seems like a naive moron
And what the f with that heartbeats when he first saw the psycho!? did he get attracted to a 14 yo at first sight or wth!??

For real the only ones til this point I like is Elsen and Erita. I feel so sad for them
Cuz oc that stupid idiot had to go blabber about them to a obvious messed up f*cker

I can´t choice created a topic of Our Sunny Days

They´re so freakin cute I don´t know what to do with myself
I´m so happy they´re back, missed them so much

I can´t choice created a topic of Geolson's Past

So far all this story have done is pissing me off
The ml is a manipulative selfish disgusting piece of shit r*pist
I´m rooting for Seokhyun to end with Kitae, but that is oc not gonna happen..
Kinda just wish he (mc) would off himself, so he´d get away from pos and then it could end with him going crazy and regretting forever being the trash he is.