Honestly I don´t give a f*ck if the mc and the psycho are gonna be tgthr in the end, these two fuckers deserve eo. I just feel so sorry for Namhyun T_T what a fucking betrayal.
All I want is the director to fucking stay alive, and find someone who actually deserves him! GIVE ME THAT STORY INSTEAD AUTHOR!!
This had been sitting in my "to red list" for quite awhile...
Finally started reading last night, and didn´t wanna go sleep cuz being so invested in it
Well, finished reading to latest ch, and this shit have now got my blood starting to boil
And I don´t know if I wanna keep reading this, cuz if that psycho mur*erer does anything to the lovely director, and Yijae (he seriously pisses me off too) is gonna stay living happy family with that f*cker I might end up breaking my laptop.
Well if that gonna be it, then f you both!!
Just reading the summary ,and I understand nothing! But then I see the return of the
"hit cycle" and it all makes sense...
Guess I`ll just give it a go, and hope this will be a good read
Beautiful art, nice story, really liked it, although the end felt kinda rushed..
should have had some more ch.
Think I just gonna wait for officials, if imma feel like continuing this..
Really don´t like stories w cheating in it
My heart feels so fluffy and happy while, and after reading this.
They´re both just so precious and freakin cute
Adored it!
Glad it was a short one.. did not like it at all, and just skimmed trough last ch to get it over with.. the pretty trashy seme was a big part for that
Yeah, I freakin knew that the f*cker was lying about the pills, so wasn´t a big surprise for me. Have read some other omegaverses with this shit happening, and it just disgusts me
All they ever do is f*ck, talk a little about monsters in between. And the bot ignoring the top and wanting breaks all the time was getting annoying
Getting more pissed every ch. by this ugly-ass, disgusting sob
And if this is gonna end with Sam-Myeong being trapped spending his live forever with this sicko f*cker I might go livid. I really hope the pos gets deleted, preferably by his general of the guards, and that fine man saves our beautiful hyung-nim.. And then those 2 can go on to live happily ever after, oc the sicko needs to get tortured first and then know how his hyung is gonna be with another man.. I´d like that
Pls fkng give me something like that author
When last I read this, there was about 5 ch. or so..
That to say, was quite pleasant to return to have 40 new ch. to read
Dropped after not even finishing 2 ch. And after checking some comments I have no regrets
I feel so sad for Theo ,he managed to free himself from that place, but cant escape those sicko psychos
I`ve read this couple times... and still cry every time
I love this so much, and will probably never get tired of re-reading it
Get emotional every freakin time :`)