I can´t choice created a topic of unprecedented

The only thing I disliked was there´s to few ch. yet :`) The waiting game so begins

I can´t choice created a topic of Corrosive

This just pisses me off, and it´s really nothing good about it.
I got lured in with the horror and zombies... and I guess I gonna stay to see if it
gonna get better and the plot evolve to be something more than just r*pe

I can´t choice created a topic of Flashlight

Well this have really caught my interest..
Love it so far, and patiently awaiting more ch. HOT!!

I can´t choice created a topic of Bones and Petals

Another manipulative, psycho mf ra*ist.. Why was I even slightly surprised
wow so impressive!

Just k-word the pos and get the hell out Jess

I can´t choice created a topic of 10 Year Of Lies

So glad to see the people in comment section is not on board with this, cuz this shit is not it

I can´t choice created a topic of Moonlight

Well... thought it sounded like it could be interesting, but so far I´m not liking it AT ALL
The prince is a fu*ked up little psychopath, and the knight kinda seems like a naive moron
And what the f with that heartbeats when he first saw the psycho!? did he get attracted to a 14 yo at first sight or wth!??

For real the only ones til this point I like is Elsen and Erita. I feel so sad for them
Cuz oc that stupid idiot had to go blabber about them to a obvious messed up f*cker

I can´t choice created a topic of Our Sunny Days

They´re so freakin cute I don´t know what to do with myself
I´m so happy they´re back, missed them so much

I can´t choice created a topic of Geolson's Past

So far all this story have done is pissing me off
The ml is a manipulative selfish disgusting piece of shit r*pist
I´m rooting for Seokhyun to end with Kitae, but that is oc not gonna happen..
Kinda just wish he (mc) would off himself, so he´d get away from pos and then it could end with him going crazy and regretting forever being the trash he is.


This for sure is a very heavy read. I´m glad the adorable good boy Nari is there to lighten up your mood a bit from all the tragedy.

I can´t choice created a topic of Saturday's Master

That seme is seriously pissing me of! Firstly he disgusts me with that dirty way he´s getting Seo Dan into that relationship, and how he just continues behaving like a royal piece of shit when it´s so f**cking obvious the lil uke is so scared and obv have some trauma. Atm this just annoys me, but imma continue reading. And see if ever I gonna change my opinion on the pos

I can´t choice created a topic of ASHTRAY

Nah, this is some f*cking bs
The very least the author could have done after all what Neul have had to suffered thru,
is to just let him d*e and be free from that piece of shit of a monster.
Seeing a broken character like him, with no chance of getting away from his torturer hurts in my heart

I can´t choice created a topic of Golden Wire Cage

Everything about this is just so messy..

I can´t choice created a topic of Bound to Be Fools

Chisoo is honestly about the only thing I like about this. He´s so sweet despite being a gangster. I don´t care for any of the rest, but wanted to see him getting happiness

Started reading this cuz I liked the authors other work..
But yeah omegaverse stories isn´t my fave.. tho there is ones I really like
And the omega seems to be the kind I really don´t like ( annoying and pathetic )
mbe he will turn out to be more likable later who knows, I´m only at ch. 9 so...
Currently debating myself weather to keep reading or not

I can´t choice created a topic of High Clear

Aah gonna miss these two lovable dummies so much!!
Had to re-read it almost immediately after finish it for the first time..

So far the only one I like is the dokkaebi. Love him!
Mc is kind of a rude lil b*tch Mbe he´ll come around soon.
But story seems really interesting and looking forward to keep reading

Am I the only one who´s a bit.. disgusted with the mc? I can´t honestly stand the bi*ch
The ml seems to be way WAY to good for him.
Now I´m just waiting to see that ho* accuse Mr. Cha of sa in the next ch.

I can´t choice created a topic of Hyanghyeon Text

Jooyul and Eugene deserve more than just 2 chapters!
I find them much more interesting than the main cp honestly
Overall fr me the story is just ok

I can´t choice created a topic of Smyrna & Capri

Why the best ones always have to feel like they´re way to short..
I feel a bit empty now, did not want to see that "end"
Have loved this beautiful story so much! And gonna start re-read it soon, mbe a couple times while waiting for side stories (which I hope will be many chapters)