This had been sitting in my "to red list" for quite awhile...
Finally started reading last night, and didn´t wanna go sleep cuz being so invested in it
Well, finished reading to latest ch, and this shit have now got my blood starting to boil
And I don´t know if I wanna keep reading this, cuz if that psycho mur*erer does anything to the lovely director, and Yijae (he seriously pisses me off too) is gonna stay living happy family with that f*cker I might end up breaking my laptop.
Well if that gonna be it, then f you both!!
Honestly I don´t give a f*ck if the mc and the psycho are gonna be tgthr in the end, these two fuckers deserve eo. I just feel so sorry for Namhyun T_T what a fucking betrayal.
All I want is the director to fucking stay alive, and find someone who actually deserves him! GIVE ME THAT STORY INSTEAD AUTHOR!!
Fr I feel really bad for namhyun, he just up and died for such a reason too early and to know that the killer will end up with the uke. Dk what to make of this story.
This story is just straight up shit. I need t cleanse myself reading something good after this