He's angry at the seme bec he gave his number to somebody and not bec he fucked somebody else wtf

Bruh, do you hear yourself? First off being angry and jealous is two different things and second that long eared ugly fuccer forced the seme into having sex with him so it’s not like he woke up one day and just decided to put his dick in his ass so if I was the uke I wouldn’t be mad at him for that too…that’s like getting mad at somebody for being raped..
Is this a good read??not a frustrating one??
I personally love this. It might seem slow at first but it’s really good! It kinda shows two different stories of the dad and the son’s journey in finding each other after 10 years apart. I got confused at first at how it was set up but it is amazing! Plus there was a huge mass upload which is even better. Sorry that this is kinda long lol but you won’t regret reading it! :)
Thank uuuu
One of best slow action manwha I read