Looking back at Chapter 20, where they're in the library, Alec tells the legend of the Holy Bride (what Loneal most likely is). In the story, one of the royal family falls into darkness and gains like dark magic/wings/etc. and tries to destroy the kingdom. The first Holy Bride (whose is supposed to be Alec's ancestor, along with the god she's married to), dies while stopping the evil royal by dispelling his evil magic. However, it's unclear if the evil was wiped away or absorbed by the Holy Bride.
So what I think is going on is that when Alec got his "bloodlust" (aka the evil like that royal from the legend, when his eyes go all dark and his flames take out a shadowy/inky look) back on the cliff when he was fighting Mr Robed Asshole, Loneal managed to dispel the bloodlust with his Holy Bride powers. But dispelling the bloodlust may not mean getting rid of it, but instead may be that Loneal is absorbing the evil into him, which caused the painful spasms after he fell from the cliff. I think those spasms were the evil aura eating away at his insides. Because that would explain why the first Holy Bride died.
Another issue this theory brings up: it may be possible that Alec might not be a descendant of the first Holy Bride, but instead the evil royal whose evil aura killed her. That bloodline would explain the voice in his head and why it keeps happening.
Here's where I get all conspiracy theory crazy. That knowledge might be known only to the royal family, because who the hell wants to follow a family whose ancestors murdered the Holy Bride? It's possible that Mr Robed Guy's group found that secret out via old Loneal's research (or other means), and the reason they were harassing Alec in the beginning of the story was to try a trigger his bloodlust. Maybe they were trying to have the bloodlust exposed in front of the public to denounce the royal family, or maybe just to target Alec specifically, who knows. That may be why Robed Bro was trying to kill Alec in the forest early on (because he knew Alec's bloodlust was a threat and wanted to stop him before it activated), and why he was trying to get Loneal during the cliff fight (trying to stop him from dispelling the bloodlust with his magic, which would ruin any plan to kill or expose Alec).
Then there's why the original Loneal would be involved with this group trying to stop/get rid of Alec. That I have no clue about that. Okay, essay over. Thank you for attending my Ted Talk.
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So I have a theory or 5 on what's going on (Warning: essay ahead)