so like, my classmate who is a soaring hungry queen gay machine (a guy) download grindr sometimes ago, just for fun (and who knows he said maybe he'll find a fine stud). And my school is a religious sort of school (islam) so gay is a nono. And there's a beep in the grindr app( i dunno how grindr works) and its from the school ground so after a brief investigation we found out its from my teacher, the cool,quiet, collected art teacher who is sorta Idol for the girls, and my inner fujo is quite shocked. Sadly cuz my country in general is still homophobic all my classmate especially the boys kinda ostracized my teacher (/TДT)/. Its up to you to believe the story i just kinda pissed and need to vent thats all.

Cuz banana crotch doesn't want the teacher to be fired or resign just because the students found out that he's gay. And given the hostile homophobic environment, she's afraid that it'll be the ultimate result. Tbh..even where I live homosexuality is a big no but we actually don't interfere in anyone's reason for their sexuality and people are more accepting.
I hope things go well for the teacher.

Oh wow! What an interesting app, I'm sorry for your teacher and hope he'll be alright :( but he should learn a lesson from that experience and it is to turn off that app while at work moreover if it is at school.
Hope he doesn't lose his job... :(

so like, in Black Butler a shinigami is a creature who used to be humans and is punished cuz they conduct suicide. And i was thinking about Grell, so what if when Grell was still human he killed himself because HE WAS FALLING IN LOVE OR IN A RELATIONSHIP WITH A MEN BUT CANNOT BE TOGETHER THEN HE BECAME DEVASTATED AND BOOM SUICIDE!....man i wanna tragic back story for my bby ヽ(`Д´)ノ