I can't bare the thought when kang jun finally realized that he was just a substitute even though he tried so hard to not fall in love with subin

Jun already realized that in chapter 16. That's kind of why he's been so reluctant to fall for Subin.
Jun: "You were going to give it (the curry) to the guy you love like a stupid idiot but you got rejected like usual. And you were trying to satisfy yourself with me? You know, that makes me feel really shitty."

So i was re reading this and in the very first chapter maya is masashi?!?!?!1111
Science side of mangago please explain this?!?11

yep yep he is

Maya's real name is Hideyuki, so Maya is actually his last name. Are last names abbreviated in Japan? In could be that the kanji for Maya is also read as Masashi, and that the translators found out later. I have seen in it in a bunch of other mangas.