If you actually pay a close attention in this chapter you can see me jumping into the oncoming traffic. *cries tears of jealously*

Huzzah! Bare witness to the anticipated mirror episode. No seriously tho these bitches got no decorum they be fucking on people's sofas ya'll

Now imagine a poor soul witnessing this on the street, they'd either be in therapy or become a great novelist inspired by how crimson red their r/p seemed atm

I still haven't found someone on this site that's a budding artist or author and it's making me lonely  "Ferrum edeo et catenam excreto" : "I eat iron and shit out chains " I'm taking a break on mangago as of today bc we gotta keep it halal in Ramadan so farewell my good ladies 

24 11,2024

My heart skipped a beat cus of Ms Ines Martin, she's a goddess

Imma savour this beautiful moment cus ik the angst lurking around somewhere

Ngl this is one of the rare manhwas I've read where the bottom actually pieced things together and figured out their situation and made a quick judgment to escape, but yet once again red flags prevail

Big Glorilla vibes in this chapter, love to see it

The only time I give green card for food wastage are in times like these loool

*Adjusts glasses* here are my demands for the next chapters author-nim:
1, I want his injury to never fully recover
2, I want Mr cauliflower ears to fucking burn with regret that he actually becomes undone
3, I want his advances to be rejected to the point he actually considers giving up on everything and khs
4, I want Mr horse face to loose not just his fame and privilege but also the people who support him
5, I demand he grovels, begs, cries to win Kim Dan back and only actually gets a lil attention after he throws his life to save Dan a few times if not more
6, I want Kim Dan to shout at him and slap him, actually I seriously just want Danny boy to move on from that piece of shit rapist and find a happy ending worthy of his love fr.

17 11,2024

The art style was kind of meh at the start but I'm glad I gave it a chance cus it got better and the story is *chief's kiss*

The greenest flag that has ever greened in the greenery of bl, they're so mature and open I love that about them.

You ever stand on a peak height and look at the stars? Maybe shade a tear or two? That's what this bl is to me (੭´༎ ཀ ´༎)੭

Hey idk bout ya'll but I'm suddenly craving some fish flaminion, maybe a white one with psycho tendencies? It seems good enough to eat raw.(◕▽◕)Ↄ