Guys their are 2 scans releasing this so now I'm debating which one I'll read lmaoo (ok I'll read the one with more chapters)(yes ik this was pointless but imma still post it lol)
DID ANDREW CUMMED AS SOON AS HE ENTERED?!???? I mean I'm not complaining, thats actually so hot He was just as desperate for this as we were! This whole episode was so incredibly sexy and the ART, THE ART, GUYS I'M SO HAPPY!
What part is there to be happy about?? FishSt1icks
You shouldn't have a problem seeing others happy and if you do you need psych ward treatment. No therapy would be able to cure whatever's going inside your head if you're questioning someone's happiness. Let's not do that.
Why does people find there relationship wierd? He's his regas so whether he had die or not they would still end up being sexual so I'm actually happy he died and got reincarnated bc now they are of similar age so yay lol
Same! Im just happy that we can somehow overcome the huge age gap though it is kinda sad that he is now living in someone else body but i guess its still fine since he is still the same in every aspect except the body
Same! Im just happy that we can somehow overcome the huge age gap though it is kinda sad that he is now living in someone else body but i guess its still fine since he is still the same in every aspect except t... Ycal
Yes!! And I can't wait for him to find out that the captain commander is his Majesty
Can someone recommend me something like this but with alot more chapters??
The only bickering couple that i can think of off the top of my head is raelina