I kinda feel like Shuli is related to the late empress in some way... Is she a distant relative? Or is she Johannes and the late empress' child together? (if ever they had something going on before, but that's incest so I hope not). She really looks like her to me. If it was just a coincidence (that they look like each other), I wonder how Johannes found her, or at least knew about her.

I'm lowkey confused with how this story goes. I've thought about dropping this midway because the story is quite over the place, but somehow, I can't seem to stop reading. It's really hilarious and whenever there are children, they are soooo cute. Also, I want to adopt Yue Ying >< This cute lil boy is so precious even though he hasn't even speak a single word.

The art and story are *mwa* chef's kiss. It isn't meant to be funny but some scenes are really hilarious. The wolf/dog scenes are both hilarious and adorable as well. Astina's personality is so good, I just really love her so much. Pls step on me KJSSDJAS. I don't know if I like the ML though. I mean, he's a different person but he still looks like the freaking bastard who tried to kill my precious Astina/Martina in the past. But in the end, it all depends on Astina's decisions. She's a strong independent woman who knows how to decide for herself. She deserves all the happiness in the world <3
The Crown Prince calling those treasures "stones" is so cute and hilarious. I bet if our lady got in trouble because of it, he'll punish those people and be like a mad dog, uwu