it's kinda sad how he has become though. sure, he also made wrong choices and he could've done better, i acknowledge that. but he basically was pushed into a corner and now, i don't think he can back out. kinda the same with kazuma's situation, though his mentality and his way of thinking, in general, is also fucked. i can't really blame him though. cause it was due to the things he has been through. it's just really sad how he was starting to improve and change for the better, but now.. it's such a shame :(( though i know he's trying his best in his own way. still hoping a happy ending for all of them though :<

i read all 52 chapters in one go and oh my fucking god, i had to calm myself down and try not to be overly mad and overly excited multiple times.
i kinda miss how goofy the ML is before tho ;3; like, that part of him just disappeared in an instant.. honestly, i wouldn't even mind even if the pacing were a lil slower but yeah! still love it
even the potential love interest ain't annoying. there's no actual romance in it, just "oh, you're strong? you're a husband candidate now, then" moment.
i stan sunbae <3 i absolutely LOATHE and DESPISE the principal and that shitty teacher tho - 3 -
i– what? i'm glad he chose them. but like, the mom??? how??? i got so many questions