I've seen a couple of comments saying that Yul should get redeemed.
And I have to disagree with this. Yes, he's attractive and all but this doesn't change the fact that he's a manipulative psychopath that scarred Sian mentally.
I just hope Sian gets a happy ending

Have you guys not seen her use yul as a toy to protect herself from her mother. I see were your going but u must understand EVERYONE side. Yul just want her. Sian wants to ditch he problems and make more. Blonde is a guy hoe who wants to hook up with her. And the protective mother. But read 34-35 and see every bodys points. Dont just hate on yul for being human.

Look when In abuse people act less rational than normal. She was scared of her mother and she wanted protection which ended in a consequence.
Yes I get everyone’s side but that doesn’t mean Yul’s morally correct and he gets a justification. He manipulated Sian until eventually she found out which lead her to be more mentally scarred
Also Sian isn’t making more problems she’s trying her best to get rid of her fear and Yul backs tracked that.

I see what your saying but sian still ditch yul and didnt even talk about it. She knows she guilty because she didnt call the cops. He just trying to find a way to talk to her. I ofc see him manipulate but never have i seen him abused her. She blacked out because of her boy problem. It just ducking dumb because he get so much blame just because he trying to talk to her and she runs off to go talk to blonde. Blonde did not get a back story so we havent seen what else he hiding from us.
Lol in the end of the day, "yul is called evil and blonde is good because we dont know him and he looks good."

Sian doesn't owe him anything, it's not her job to fix him. What makes Yujin different from Yul is that he wants to change and better himself, while Yul is stuck in the past! In all honesty, I don't think her and Yujin shouldn't date but that doesn't mean she should go with Yul. "I've never seen him abuse her..." then you are not aware that there hey are different types of abuse what he did was to her was psychological, and can be just as harmful as physical abuse. And even before the breakup Yul already had problems when they were in high school. He did things to isolate just to appear like some hero to her, even if it hurt her. He made little comments to make her feel like all the guys are out to get her when that is not true. Remember that guy with the brown hair who tries to force himself on Sian in high school, it was Yul that set that up. This guy doesn't "just want to talk" he wants to keep Sian to himself. And Sian herself is a broken person because of her mother, she tried to have a normal relationship and prove it to her mother but it backfired. Yul slowly started to show red flags which is why she tried to break up with him peacefully but try to cage her in when she wanted an out. She has every right to be afraid of this man and run away from him. You can't force someone to love you because that is not real love.

Okay, but you have not told me how yul abuse her?
Saying mentally is not an awnsers and saying he manipulated her is not abuse. Manipulative is what he is. Yul does not want her to himself he even said he can have blonde too just as long she had him too at page 45. He did NOT force her because he just trying to talk to her. But sian DOESN'T talk to him and just wana leave him and cause some more. Your lieing just as yul so ur no different and you cant even back up your criticism.
Fuck off

I'm not lying these seen come from the story (chapter 34.) but hey what's the point explaining it to you... Judging from the state of denial you're in, along with numerous comments you've made trying to defend Yul to other commenters I should leave you with your brave claims. And friendly advice you should get "Grammarly", it helps you proofread your comments, have a nice day. ╮( ̄▽ ̄)╭

Manipulation is a sign of mental abuse and psychological abuse. Do your research first.
Yul did say that she could love them both but that was in his state of being desperate.
Sian wasn’t going to talk to him because she was literally terrified of the crap he’s done.
And yes he did force her. He literally pinned her to the ground and forcefully kissed her which is sexual harassment to add.
Sian is scared of him and if I was in that situation I wouldn’t be able to speak to him.
And I feel like you’re in denial. Yul isn’t a good person.
Anyone got the raws? I'd greatly appreciate it
https://tkor.fund/%EA%B2%A8%EC%9A%B8-%EC%A7%80%EB%82%98-%EB%B2%9A%EA%BD%83 here you go!