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Amarant April 11, 2020 9:05 pm

I think they should keep 'noona', I heard he keep calling her that even when they got together and 'miss' just sounds weird

    KiryuuYuki407 April 11, 2020 10:05 pm

    Yeah, "miss" sounds distant, "noona" sounds more casual and intimate

    VampyBright April 12, 2020 8:15 am

    I agree! Noona makes the relationship that they have more affectionate and intimate, it also makes it cute! (=・ω・=)

Amarant April 29, 2018 6:08 am

Was the second amnesia truly necessary? Couldn't their relationship develop without it? And this crazy woman reappearance after so many chapters - what's the point? She was never important to Haru, at this point I'm more curious about this 'old flame' he keeps on remembering. I truly hope the author will make this second amnesia worth it and their relationship progress, if not, it would be truly disappointing.

    Ironkettle April 29, 2018 6:24 am

    Oh I forgot about the old flame, hopefully they don't get in the way and cause trouble.

    PerishedThought April 29, 2018 6:48 am

    I think it was necessary because it delves into Haru's thoughts of blaming his parents death on Ren. it was never talked about because Haru would ignore it most of the time. It shows the side of him ignoring Ren to Accepting him. And soon loving him again. (Especially big considering his mindset is at 17 years old, like Ren).

    Aidava April 29, 2018 5:25 pm

    I also find this second amnesia irrelevant. And from what I remember the matter of "old flame" was solved. In one of the chapters Haru gave "old flame's" number back to Kiyoka and said he doesn't need it anymore because he has Ren. And then Kiyoka said to Haru that the girl is going to get marrried and just wanted to apologized for hurting him. And I think that in this new chapter he was missing Ren and not the old flame but he forgot it and did't realize it.

    Anonymous April 29, 2018 6:28 pm
    I think it was necessary because it delves into Haru's thoughts of blaming his parents death on Ren. it was never talked about because Haru would ignore it most of the time. It shows the side of him ignoring Re... PerishedThought

    So there is a meaning huh? Still, this whole thing was very unpleasant and too hurtful for Ren. Why is it always Ren who gets hurt when he’s still so young and doesn’t deserve to be taken out on like that... not saying that Haru didn’t go through a lot, but it feels like it’s always Ren supporting Haru.

    Ironkettle April 29, 2018 8:08 pm
    So there is a meaning huh? Still, this whole thing was very unpleasant and too hurtful for Ren. Why is it always Ren who gets hurt when he’s still so young and doesn’t deserve to be taken out on like that..... @Anonymous

    True, hopefully things will get better from now on though. As long as psycho sensei, that girl or the old flame don't show up.

    PerishedThought April 29, 2018 8:58 pm
    So there is a meaning huh? Still, this whole thing was very unpleasant and too hurtful for Ren. Why is it always Ren who gets hurt when he’s still so young and doesn’t deserve to be taken out on like that..... @Anonymous

    Maybe cause in the Author's eyes, Haru grew up too quickly after his parent's death. He had to bear the responsibility of taking Care of his brothers at such a young age. So him experiencing being 17 again, with the same feelings back then, he can finally voice them out without the repercussion of being an adult hitting back at him. He'll learn to cherish Ren whom he thought was the reason why his parents are gone. (Does that make sense? I hope I worded it right) and as for Ren, since he himself is young, maybe this amnesia thing with Haru will resolve his resolution that he loves him. Mind you, Haru was the only one to love him and care for him when he was younger. So that could be his only attachment to Haru: that he was the first person to care for/love me. So if Haru stops loving him, what will his reason to stay be? But in the end, he still kicked amnesia's ass and made Haru remember, maybe not through memories, but feeling, how Haru really is. (Okay this is too long)

    Anonymous May 2, 2018 9:10 pm
    Maybe cause in the Author's eyes, Haru grew up too quickly after his parent's death. He had to bear the responsibility of taking Care of his brothers at such a young age. So him experiencing being 17 again, wit... PerishedThought

    I kind of got what you mean. I guess I have to be more patient and read more deeply into it.
    Haru needed this opportunity to be a selfish 17 year old and let out whatever anger he kept deep inside. Hopefully Haru could come to terms with his past, and have better relationship with Ren after this!

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