I really felt the scene were Caroline ( I forgot her name) open the storage and it had all of George's design dresses/outfits I felt like he was getting rid of his meomries of her so that it wouldn't hurt him to look at because seeing them would remind him of them. This really touched close to home because the guy I like moved to another country....
I think the most angering part of this all is that everyone knew or people came out to the light of knowing after Greg and Sandra died there was no justice -w- I was thinking did Jeremy really kill them because I just don't buy it I feel like it was a car malifuctuon and it was just karma
Well this was heartbreaking and it's one of those stories where i wish I could just jump into and change what happens Sadly it's not possible
I kinda liked it that we are left with this unsure feeling. A part of me wished for Jeremy to get revenge but another part wished for him to be inocent. It was great.