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Yurina June 8, 2024 3:28 pm

I love revenge stories but my heart can't too much angst . So is it a frustrating read? Or is the revenge satisfying enough to bear with the angst?

Spatika July 9, 2021 11:29 am

Am I the only one who kinda understands why Soviet likes rasta( obviously it doesnt justify his trash behavior)? His own wife is so cold to him ,so rasta's cheerful personality must be very refreshing for him. During their childhood ,Soviet and navier seem very friendly with eachother , so I'm wondering when did that change ? Was it when navier became an empress and had to bottle up her emotions or was it when rasta came into the picture? If it's the 1st case ,then I can kinda understand Soviets feelings( again not trying to justify his actions). If it's the 2nd, then I feel no pity for him.

    Rababruby July 9, 2021 1:52 pm

    I don’t understand and I never will. Just because she was cold, doesn’t mean he should seek other women to feel that refreshing feeling again.. but I do understand your opinion

    Sam July 9, 2021 2:59 pm

    She wasn't cold she was just indulged in her duties to the point she forgot to behave as a normal girl but seeing how prince (now king) of western empire managed to draw her childish behaviour was the proof that she never changed she was kind enough to tell lettite(sister in law of trash) to chase her happiness and not drown herself in the revenge. She was sympathetic enough to cry for a bird . She helped her friend Dutchess when she was in need. How can that piece of trash (emperor) expect her to smile after bringing a mistress? He falsely accused her brother too! He just wanted a child. He never tried to understand her
    (I'm sry if I went overboard)

    Rababruby July 9, 2021 4:58 pm
    She wasn't cold she was just indulged in her duties to the point she forgot to behave as a normal girl but seeing how prince (now king) of western empire managed to draw her childish behaviour was the proof tha... Sam


    •☽caged_butterfly18☾• July 10, 2021 9:20 am
    She wasn't cold she was just indulged in her duties to the point she forgot to behave as a normal girl but seeing how prince (now king) of western empire managed to draw her childish behaviour was the proof tha... Sam

    Nah bestie you said everything that needed to be said

    Spatika July 10, 2021 10:10 am
    I don’t understand and I never will. Just because she was cold, doesn’t mean he should seek other women to feel that refreshing feeling again.. but I do understand your opinion Rababruby

    Yess , no matter what cheating is never right.

    Spatika July 10, 2021 10:13 am
    She wasn't cold she was just indulged in her duties to the point she forgot to behave as a normal girl but seeing how prince (now king) of western empire managed to draw her childish behaviour was the proof tha... Sam

    I actually read few spoilers from the novel and I have completely changed my opinion . Soviet is selfish and immature, who views his feelings as more important than compared to navier's

    cinnamonapple July 11, 2021 6:16 am
    She wasn't cold she was just indulged in her duties to the point she forgot to behave as a normal girl but seeing how prince (now king) of western empire managed to draw her childish behaviour was the proof tha... Sam

    I completely agree. I also think its kind of weird he likes rashta because she is so immature at first and almost childlike, I think he enjoyed feeling as if he had saved a pretty woman in distress as it made him feel strong and capable, as if she needed him. He also refers to her as his prey in the beginning so I feel as if he wants an obedient and submissive woman, this is supported by the fact that he becomes infuriated when the empress doesn't obediently accept their relationship and challenges him. It seems as if he wants to be the only one shining brightly as he doesn't mind embarrassing the empress by flaunting his mistress. Sovieshu only cares about his own feelings and does not try to understand the empress.

    I just had to comment because I accidentally liked the original poster's comment, which I don't agree with lol

    Mangaloverr_112 July 11, 2021 7:47 pm

    It is understandable, but he doesn’t love trashta. She is only to bear his children bc the *queen is “infertile” which isn’t true, (won’t explain bc that’s a spoiler)

    The emperor has what’s known as little man syndrome. The emperor started to feel inferior towards the empress and thus became busy with “work” to prove himself to be more superior. Forcing them to become more distinct. The emperor, the narcissist that he is, blames the empress telling her that she was just being cold to him which forced him to find comfort in the arms of someone else. Meanwhile it was all his doing, he just doesn’t want to admit that.

    The emperor liked being with trashta because yes, she reminded him of how the empress was when she was younger, and two because she is stupid and easy to manipulate.. so she causes no threat to his ego.

    It was heavily hinted that the emperor doesn’t love her as he would countlessly ignore her flirting with other men, he was more concerned with what the empress was doing. This is actually quite common in real life, often the husband or wife will feel inferior to their s/o and seek someone to make them feel good about themselves. They still love their s/o but they just want to feel “important” that’s why some people cheat.

    The emperor actions are understandable, (for the most part) but not excusable.

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