It's disturbing about how ignorant yuri is after jaerim got raped. HE DOESN'T CARE THAT JAERIM JUST GOT RAPED. THAT IS A RED FLAG.
Jaerim is able to stay strong while he went through all that for yuri... it makes me think this relationship makes jaerim at many disadvantages

Why do I feel like jaerim is at many disadvantages here? + dunno is my most hated chara.
I mean of course yuri has so much trouble on his back but he has people like dunno and johee or smt. People like them are entitled. They have the privilege of being pretty so not many will bother to bully them.
I get that dunno is trying to protect yuri but he seems to overlook the fact that jaerim is also in a lot of trouble. He gets bullied, abused, and harassed... but the only thing on his mind is yuri. He always says that jaerim is unimportant and that his effort is useless even though he has tried so hard.
Now that's selfish. Caring about a family is one thing but being ignorant in a whole different thing. Privilege people like dunno who doesn't care about anybody but himself and the people close to him is pure of shit. On the latest chapter he even doesn't care if jaerim or his old friend were getting bullied. NO. NOTHING.
He doesn't care that they are easy target who's everyday's life is harder than him.

I think bodyguard with dark hair MAY have a feeling towards the red hair one:D there's a panel where the red hair bodyguard touched his shoulder and then he looks at the place he touched.
They are so wholesome! I think they kinda match each other. One super energetic, and one that controls the energetic one so they don't do weird mistakes!!

Mo has a lot on his shoulders. He has one difference from the rest of his friends, and that is his financial issue. I think that may be the reason why he can't enjoy lots of things. He has so much burden in his shoulders such as trying to stabilize his family finance because his father is in jail. He is the male in the family so I think he feels like it's his responsibility to keep everything together. He has a burden normal students don't have...

I've been sticking to this story for SO LONG hoping that SOMEDAY, things will finally change. I'm so freaking irritated because the progress is SO SLOW. It's always the same plot: taiyo got raped, sora save him + everyone (except kengo best guy) looking over the fact sora is the bad guy here who's the center of problem.

Can someone explain about isis intention?
I personally hate Isis. The start of the problem is probably her isn't it? Having osiris in the underworld after he raped seth was probably the best option. But then Isis did all those magic because he was mad at seth that his husband raped him. Why did she curse seth at that time? Why did she blame seth?

I think the reasoning is because her and osiris were married but osiris didn't like her he liked seth more like he liked him and so she was jealous and even when her husband raped him she still didn't leave him because she loved him too much
And osiris is just crazy he made seth infertile because he planted a type of seed in him so he could get pregnant with his child that's how obsessed he was that he had to go that far
Actually that is the reason Seth doesn't even has his own child with his wife because osiris got her pregnant

She’s not mad at Seth bc Osiris raped him, the reason she hates him was because she was hurt that he didn’t come to her for help and even then after everything happened he still continued not to tell her the truth but instead tried to force her to be his wife and caused her a lot of pain by throwing her in labyrinth and making her go into hiding. Seth did a lot to hurt isis and this hurt her making her upset with him as the end result. As for why she cursed him, that was a selfish and rash decision she made in the heat of the moment. All that pain and betrayal she felt that night caused her to act like that and gods are known to be unfair so I felt that was a very “in character” decision.
She might feel jealous maybe but honestly? She’s just wants revenge to and restore her dignity as a god as well as the balance in Egypt. And one thing she won’t allow is Osiris having Seth again (reason why she wants Seth’s soul to dissolve) for her sanity and Seth’s as well. She might love her husband but she also curses him and doesn’t want him to get his way.

You explained it really well! It's easy for me to understand. From the point of view of seth (I'm biased) isis has done a lot of bad things to set him up so horus can be the ruler of egypt.
But there's no complete wrong or right on all these gods. What we didn't see is isis suffer throughout her hiding. She looked really bad because all we see is her doing the perfectly planned revenge that has been made for so long. Of course she's gonna be ruthless. A lot of bad things happened to her. She also can be selfish and her action to bring her dignity back is validated.

ok so basically in egyptian mythology, set/seth wanted to seduce his nephew and make him vulnerable. he was actually the top in this case but didn't actually ejaculate into Horus and Horus caught it w/ his hands. Then he told Isis what happened and then she cut off his hands and jerked him off into a jar?? Then she brought the cum into a garden where a gardener told her that Seth only eats the cabbage (aka the cum cabbage). also btw its Horus's cum and not Seths. So cum cabbage story lmfao

Nononono. Seth isnt capable of being pregnant. And there was no seed that was planted in seth. However Seth's seed (his sperm, semen, or whatever you wanna call it) was taken from him by osiris and created a flower like plant from it.
The seed of doubt sekhmet* was talking about is whether Seth was able to create sand since osiris created the dessert for him to control (since that spinach mf has feelings for seth) and wanted seth to be happy.
As for the child situation:
Osiris asked Nephthys for the power of creation which Nephthys gave (cause a bitch loved osiris as well) in exchange for a son a.k.a Anubis. Now Anubis was created for 2 things 1. To be exchange for the power of creation and 2. To be the vessel of Osiris and Seths child. Cause it was the only was for them to have a child since osiris experimented just to make a child with Seth since both male gods cant conceive
As for why Osiris wanted to create a child. It was because Seth believed that a child is proof that you love one another (also the reason why osiris took Seth's seed)
*god of destruction, also is that how you spell her name??
P.s. I hope this was clear enough to understand (=・ω・=)

For the first part please look at my reply to the other one
As for Anubis' curses (yes he has 2 curses residing in him right now)
The first curse anubis is in right now is about his growth. Anubis cant grow because of Seth's curse*. Thus he cant have the body to become a god
The second curse was also because of Seth. This time its the curse of the souls Seth has killed. In a chapter i forgot which (i think it was 34?)osiris used Anubis' body to get to Seth. Osiris was jealous cause Seth had sex with Horus and wanted to take Seth back to Duat with him but Seth refuses which resulted in them fighting and Seth cutting Osiris' arm which was actually Anubis since Osiris was just using anubis' body thus the curse of human souls seth has killed.
Seth's curse
In a chapter i also forgot, Isis cursed both herself and Seth to never get what they wanted and Seth wanted Anubis a father-to-son want (unlike Osiris). That or Seth made another curse for Anubis to never grow up cause Seth wanted Anubis to be by his side forever. Im also confused by this part
Hope this makes things a lot easier to understand (=・ω・=)
Dunno is victim blaming donggyul. How come you say someone has inferiority complex to a person who has been bullied, abused, harassed to extreme length for such a long time??
It's UNDERSTANDABLE that someone feels that way, even more when you, his friend, is being ignorant all those time and doesn't help him at all!! Of course donggyul is gonna have trauma and depression. His mental has been abused and there's literally NO ONE there to help him.
And now you were trying to shift the blame to donggyul for something that he didn't do and can't help for?? Jaerim was right. It was those bullies fault. It was never donggyul fault. Dunno should've known better and yet he didn't. His mindset is from the lowest of the low. He has no sympathy and he's ignorant.
Funny how he acknowledged yuri's trauma and mental sickness but he doesn't acknowledged donggyul.