Dibidibidis's experience ( All 0 )

Dibidibidis's answer ( All 1 )

Humanity is a whole circle of contradictions. They are intelligent beings, but they act foolishly. They are selfish, but they also want to be kind. They want a simple, happy life, and then desire more than what they need. They are considerate to others, but tend to be hard on their selves. They hate their kind, but they find comfort in each other'......   reply
10 07,2020

Dibidibidis's question ( All 1 )

I saw that many people want to learn languages, and so am I, but no one seems to be planning to create a chat or something, so I tried making one at discord. However, it's my first time making a discord server, so I'm asking right now if some people are willing to help me setup the server's roles and bots?

Although this is not the main issue right now, you can also help us by saying your suggestions and ideas to further better the server we're planning to make.

Hopefully we can make a proper server for the sake of everyone who's willing to learn.

Thank you in advance~
27 05,2020

People are doing

did fall for a same sex person

i still fell for her till this day..and man she was my first awakening too. even tho we don’t talk anymore i’m just admiring her from afar

3 hours
did explain your username

I honestly typed a bunch of the same letter, it isn't squealing hahah

6 hours
did my first boyfriend

toxic but learned a lot

7 hours