Spoiler . . . . . . . . . . So apparently the red head gets reincarnated as a human after he dies imagine of someone kills him after he gets turn into a human I think that will be quite funny.
The emperor was already reincarnated he was a red dragon and thn he wrecked havoc after being betrayed by a human and thn was reincarnated as a human as his punishment
The emperor was already reincarnated he was a red dragon and thn he wrecked havoc after being betrayed by a human and thn was reincarnated as a human as his punishment Lulu
Opps a better word would have been mortal not human
I've come back to this manga multiple times and have kept rereading it from the start but can never seem to get anywhere remotely close to the end. If you keep reading something that you think you like but clearly not like enough to finish it is ot even worth trying for the 17th time
I'm glad they didn't use the blonde's backstory and past fir justification to make us feel sorry