youre probably fine because its very difficult to actually find the websites youve been visiting but if youre using a laptop/pc i recommend you use brave browser/vpn (dont use free ones they track your data)
ive had the same problems and the websites ive been to even get blocked lol (thanks fuck im not with my parents) but after i use brave browse...... 2 reply
not sure if she's overrated as there are quite a lot of hate for her but she also has fans that think she's the most interesting character of all time
imho i hate her, her character has no depth (though the whole anime is amazing.) she is set out to stop whatever nine does with her annoying fixation on nine which is honestly such a tiring trope. s...... reply
these comments are just straight girls who fetishizes gays censoring what they feels lol it honestly sucks to see your points being literally proven
"fiction doesn't affect reality" my fucking ass yes to a certain point it doesn't but it does invite a lot of casual, real-life consequences for people as the post said reply