the plot is really interesting!! i also liked that they didn't really have a "cliché" romantic development in the story. i love how you can just view their relationship as something that is platonic but not quite like that. although, i would like to have more information about the detective, i'm still satisfied with the overall course of events and the characters' personalities!!

- i love how the manga gave slow and detailed developments about the issues that everyone's facing.
- it doesn't just talk about the teenagers' lives but also the adults' point of views; however, if possible, i would like to have a more in-depth understanding of mao's biological mother.
- also, it's not that i don't want everyone to fall in love but at the start i somehow thought that there will be a platonic relationship here. i know it's a shoujo manga and clichés can't be avoided but i really hoped that there wouldn't be too much of it, i guess.
- daiki should've had a platonic relationship with mao from the start. i mean i really ship them too but at first i really thought that there's nothing to ship since daiki isn't that expressive with his emotions.
- also, it's not that i hate that mao ended up with hiro because i really ship mao with daiki, it's just really uncomfortable with me. i'm not against there relationship, but i also do not support it. i know that at some point, they view each other as "heroes" because they felt that they were saved by each other many times. i first thought that they've mistaken saving to loving. however, i'm also proud of them for having good character developments in the story. they really matured but not just because of each other, but also because of everyone.
- lastly, petition to give daiki a good girlfriend, aka me pls T___T <333
the beginning was kinda interesting, but then all it talks about is love, love, love and some stupid cliché love triangles again, it's the very plot of the story which makes it really boring. the fl didn't do anything about the wolf village and it felt like she's really dumb and oblivious about everything.