THANK GOODNESS SECRETARY CHA IS A COMPETENT AND WELL-EQUIPPED HUMAN BEING AND WAS ABLE TO PUT TOGETHER THE PIECES. Thought it was hilarious to see her get defensive on Daehyung's behalf when she sensed the hostility. Now the next thing we should be curious about is whether Daehyung makes his confession in front of all the attending guests. I want all the employees to get upset not because of the same-sex relationship but out of jealousy for how RIDICULOUSLY ATTRACTIVE Daehyung and Yiyoung are objectively.
Either we get Daehyung to finally break the facade and confess to Yiyoung or Secretary Cha and the other members of the team reconvene and piece together their relationship and do some matchmaking. It's probably going to be the second considering how the end of this most recent chapter was written with Secretary Cha crashing the dinner reservation and Daehyung opening up to her ever so slightly about his relationship. And Yiyoung obviously getting so drunk that he's going to spill all of his feelings to his friends, which I'm glad we'll get to see Mina potentially act like the best friend that we got to see in those flashbacks. But I'd really like to see Daehyung just make a scene and confess because that would be the most ppoetic dynamic shift ever. We were introduced to him as this incredibly serious and powerful figure. Yiyoung and him really weren't on the same level. But we see him slowly climb off his pedestal to play a game with Yiyoung, but the games aren't work anymore.
As of this point in the story, I really don't want them to get together... Like Eungyeom never deserved this sort of harassment from his superior ON-TOP of being overworked in general. Now he's just gonna swoop in like some sort of hero??? so annoying
I think han thought the extra customer service they were told to do wouldn't work, that is why he put in on Euny...Euny is attractive and outgoing and is a good face for the company...when he gives an honest report on how those personal visits were BS, han can use that to prove a point to upper short, han is not really being an ass at this moment.
I think he is trying to kill 2 birds with one stone.
1. being harassing him but at the same time i truly believe that he is trying to get him to rise up in the company. Asians seem to have this thing about interfering in people lives when they should be minding their own fucking business. Eungyom is perfectly fine with being at his current work level but seme wants him to be more accomplished.
Also 2. like you said, I think he knows that the plan their boss has is fucking stupid or might not get the results he wants so he sent Eungyom in hopes of using his charm to make it a lil bit successful or to prove a point and have him say hey this shit isn't working. So it would be those 2 against the bigger boss.
Woah, sounds like you're putting down another culture with your first point. Please take it down a notch. Asians, in general put community first then self from what I've witnessed in real life. You've got to give back to your parents society, your country. There is value in that. If the majority of Americans had that attitude everyone would be wearing a fkg mask and covid would be managed better. But no, they have this me,me, me attitude...they find masks uncomfortable and quarantine inconvenient for themselves and could care less about asymptomatic people spreading the disease to vulnerable populations. It is a good thing to care about other people. Han should have communicated that he was trying to develop Euny as an employee with potential. Don't just say wax on/wax off sensei tell me I'm developing my martial arts muscles.
Lets clear this up shall we. I have not once refer to real life in my comment. I have clearly specified that this was strictly manga based by the sentence that followed about the seme trying to force his way on Euny.
lol now i can understand why you would think that however i was talking about the Asians in the comic this isn't a Japanese manga that I know for sure but I wasn't sure if it is Chinese or Korean manga since I have literally read 10 mangas before this and the one I read also had a bunch of people trying to force their views on MC, when the MC was completely innocent, and forcing MC to do their work just because they're the MC sunbae, and I know sunbae should be something related to Koreans if i am not mistaken, so I don't wanna say one specific ethnicity and it turns out that I had the wrong one hence I said Asians cause I'm sure it's some asian community. In all the mangas, manhua or etc that I've seen and read there is this ridiculous pressure that the MC has to face because of that mentality. Being forced to view things one specific way or do things even though you don't want to is the reason why a lot of suicide or mental health issues is happening in the mangas that I've read and it can be referred back to real life.
As for bringing it into real life or putting down one culture don't you think you are the one doing that based on your comments about the American which i fail to see how that has anything to do with my comment or the manga. Americans have always been known to be entitled assholes with no respect whatsoever for their elders or others so that attitude of theirs is to be expected. Americans themselves say the same thing about their peers and fellow brethrens.
As a Belizean, myself, we are thought to respect our elders and others however not at the expense of oneself. I also stand by that. I refuse to sacrifice myself for something as ridiculous as honor. I'm not running my self down for no one who doesn't care about me but that doesn't mean that I would not take into consideration others well being. Because I am somewhat mindful of others I cannot stand to see someone with a soft demeanor or personality being taking advantage of or being put down by someone else. I especially hate others feeling like they are entitled to respect or force their views or values on someone just because they are older. Respect is earn not given not everyone that is older is wiser, not every that is old is respectable. Age does not determine if you are wiser, moral or respectable. Not every parent is caring or worth loving and respecting. As far as I am concerned not every society deserves giving back to. As for country not every country operates on the betterment for it's people.
Having someone work that hard just to dismiss their effort and claim it's to be recognized by (buttering up to) higher up that doesn't give a shit about them is not my definition of for the better of society. That's just you being nosy and dipping yourself where you have no business being in. It's ridiculously frustrating for me to watch or read about someone being shitted on by others and they aren't in the wrong or don't speak up for themselves especially with my confrontational personally.
So if that offends you sorry but I still stand by what I had to say, he (seme) should have mind his own fucking business and stayed out of Euny business.
Correcting his mistakes is okay that's HIS JOB AS HIS BOSS forcing him to do shit he doesn't want to do just cause he feels like he should move up is out of line and unprofessional. Euny is not his boyfriend or family not even a friend so for him to decide (and force) Euny should put more effort into his job so that he can get a promotion i fail to see how that is any of his concern or business.
Horyeong's "maybe muscular men are his taste" LMAOOO
How'd you get whipped so fast dude