finally a name for him he's so fine but aside from that the fact that he protected her twice makes me think her parents were bad people too but she didn't know it and that led to their death that somehow involved him but since she didn't know what her parents do it makes him look like a bad guy to her
I see people asking if follo was somehow healed by rudo or how he's up after those injuries and I don't think he was healed I think it's just his adrenaline keeping him up and running and because of that I fear what will happen after the fight is over and that wears out. Will he succumb to his wounds after finally becoming a giver or will he be saved in time ?
I was hoping follo would become a giver at the last minute but i'm curious if it has anything to do with rudo like aside from his ability to turn any piece of trash into weapon can he make people givers too? Also what is tamzy's deal
i know people were waiting on her because of the popular "queen never cry" thing but now that she's here i don't like her personality
i love tadano and komi together but i feel bad for kawaii too because she loves them both she even built a house for them to live in and gave up going to oxford (stupid decision) but it's like realistically i know komi and tadano don't see her like that so it would be one sided for her they love her as a friend so it would be awkward but financially it's a smart decision but relationship wise i'm not sure so outside of the canon story i ship the 3 of them especially since the author has shown that they're ok with lgbt ships so it's very possible that kawaii actually loves them both
i would love to see more of their backstory especially since komi's grandparents are adorable
tbh i don't mind how the art style changed over time or the moment of them in bed together but i really hate the face they drew of her reacting to tadano getting a boner like why is her tongue out? of all the expressions they could've given her they gave her the worst one possible and made her look weird
I'm really happy that ryo kept tss in the end and how people could pray to get it if they want. Also how they handled the sex topic between them and not settling with it just being them having sex with one as a woman and one as a man
I can't believe i liked tamzy at the beginning i hope rudo knows the truth and beats the shit out of tamzy before he can kill amo or that he finds out the truth either way i hope amo lives
while the main character did die as an adult she is only 15 in her new life and the prince is 10 and yes it is still a pretty big age gap but y'all keep referring to her as an adult she's not adult in her 2nd life to people around her and if you've read a bunch of romance isekais then this isn't an uncommon age gap (not that I support it) however i didn't see the hand holding as romantic most characters blush or at least or show some some other physical sign I think he was just happy to have her there and not be lonely I don't think there's romance more like a found family bond plus she very clearly sees him as a child since she is still mentally an adult and has her adult memories and they seem dedicated to that little girl becoming his wife
I think the author shouldn't have introduced the side story of the nosey girl befriending hina's friends if they were just gonna end the story like that because now we don't even get to see if she exposes the girl that took the pictures to that one girl (sorry i read this so fast that i don't really remember anyone's name)
i'm sad that i was right about chichi's owner being sick they drew the back story very beautifully
i feel like anytime we get a glimpse of chichi's past we see her owner aka the little girl in a bed which makes me think she might've been sick and passed away if not they moved away. i hope we can one day get the whole story
it's cute buy i don't really like the male mc he's very inconsiderate towards her feelings
i wish her weird cousin would leave her alone she already has a husband plus even tho she just start training maybe something like this could help her use her power
it reminds me of how muzan turned into a baby during his last moments when he was finally dying it's definitely different situations but a similar concept