finally a name for him he's so fine but aside from that the fact that he protected her twice makes me think her parents were bad people too but she didn't know it and that led to their death that somehow involved him but since she didn't know what her parents do it makes him look like a bad guy to her

I see people asking if follo was somehow healed by rudo or how he's up after those injuries and I don't think he was healed I think it's just his adrenaline keeping him up and running and because of that I fear what will happen after the fight is over and that wears out. Will he succumb to his wounds after finally becoming a giver or will he be saved in time ?

i love tadano and komi together but i feel bad for kawaii too because she loves them both she even built a house for them to live in and gave up going to oxford (stupid decision) but it's like realistically i know komi and tadano don't see her like that so it would be one sided for her they love her as a friend so it would be awkward but financially it's a smart decision but relationship wise i'm not sure so outside of the canon story i ship the 3 of them especially since the author has shown that they're ok with lgbt ships so it's very possible that kawaii actually loves them both

why is this manga marked as finished/complete and not ongoing?

Hello. So the manga is completed in the raws. It currently has 3 volumes out in the japanese raws. It's ongoing because people are translating this. These aren't official translations, these are fan translations meaning these fans of the manga are taking their personal time to TL to English for the rest of us to enjoy.
i'm so happy for amo and follo seeing amo in those clothes in comparison to her old clothes after knowing her past abuse makes me so happy