Lol nope. The plot is interesting that's why I'm reading this but deymnnn. Both of them are red flags indeed. They suit each other.
The ml is really a psycho bish. Pooer Taeshin. May he rest in peace. I hope if you're reincarnated, please have a better partner and bff.
Mc is trash as well. Lmao.. not that he's been a good friend to Taeshin anyways cause he's selfish af.
Both of them are red flags xD
They suit each other.
Love when MC stood up for himself against that prima donna. *Chef's kiss*
Need to read this again xD i forgot what happened already.
Nahhhh.. i hate this. Ml keeps on hurting Sejin. He just wants your congratulations bruh.. speak tf up.
I can't wait for our beloved mc to turn into bubbles. I really really want to see Pado's tears. I'm so excited to see his heartbroken expression.
ლ(´ڡ`ლ) it would be definitely *chef's kiss*
Dear cutie MC,
I love you but please, notice the waving red flag ahead of you. Can't you see the behavior of the people around you?
Bada, my cutie patootie, i just want to hug you rn.
I hope karma will hit the ex hard enough to split his head open ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
I think i really have a Stockholm syndrome reading this horrible and toxic manhwa. Coz why tf am i wishing for more chapters???? Wtf
To all the novel readers. I need spoilers, will the other couple get back together?
Nooooo. I like the salesman more than the university student TT
My baby~~ I'm so, so proud of you for standing up for yourself.
May you continue to have happy moments from now on.
Also, fuck you Maximo !!! Hope you crash and burn along with the others who made MC's 1st life a living hell (︶︿︶)=凸
Seungju~~ baby..
Make sure that Muheun regrets being a coward, okay?? Let him begggggg ლ(´ڡ`ლ)
This is the kind of character development that I really like. Jaehyuk is such an asshole at first but now he's a loveable idiot xD
The audacity of that brother. Lmao.
Fuck them.
Can't believe they're brothers coz he ugly af
I thought i was immune with toxic manga/manhwa/manhua but this?????!!!!!
Just wtf. This is so horrible to read.