i’m really confuses about the ages here. so is the main character 15? and the two love interests are 19 and 20+?

1.) i wasn’t referring to what happened in the current chapter. i’m referring to the fact that the 15 year old has two love interests and one of them is 19 and the other is over 20, and as a 19 year old myself that makes me uncomfy.
2.) buddy, not knowing how to express your emotions is no excuse for sexual assault. also the character is not emotionless because he obviously feels lust for the MC and obviously cares about him too.

also, i will continue to read this cause i really hope the author does an age skip thing where the main character isn’t a child. i’m enjoying the plot of the story so far but it’s going too slow for my tastes and i don’t like that the love interests would be college students while the main character just got into high school.... (^^in case anyone wants to tell me “just don’t read it”)
i just wanted to say something cause i’ve seen a lot of people saying that it’s basically the same thing as the omega being the weak one and the alpha being the strong one but the fact that the roles are reversed makes this a much better portrayal. in the Gay community a lot of people think that the bottoms are super feminine and weak and the tops are abusive/manly and a lot of the a/b/o stuff adds to that narrative.
the fact that this doesn’t and actually shows that the bottom can be strong and like sex just as much as the top and the top can be soft and emotional is a much healthier example...