mannn i love these types of stories because like both of them are victims like the ml has to battle his trauma of the fls dad and the fact that he even loves fl despite being a child of his abuser while fl has to pay for the actions of her father... like its sooo like u gotta think... like is ignorance a sin? she may be innocent but the victims of abuse and rebels who were tortured are also innocent... like let me yap real quick.... its sooooo interesting to see such a complex issue without it being overly one sided... i know ppl hate the ml but like this man went through a lot too... not excusing his behavior but the fls ignorance and her privilege is soooo hard to see like as someone who also experience discrimination based on class like there is a generational hurt against the common people vs the nobles..... both the common people who hate the nobles and the fl who is a ignorant noble likeeeee the fl being a noble itself is supporting the continuous classism.... like she indulging in her riches while others are held back from success and the same opportunities is her fault due to her following the system imo.... like if it unfair for her well the ppl who were not born as nobles are also treated very unfairly... Being a child of parent especially of their wrongdoings you have a level of burden and responsibility i know that sounds crazy but like like HEAR ME OUT if you were treated well by your parents but they turn out to be horrible people you have some level of responsibility to apologize and make up to the victims like in a sense.... BECAUSE you love them (especially in fl case) you need to take some part to owe for their actions IMO IMOIMO also im talking about when the parents abuse their child like thats a whole diff story... JUST MY THOUGHTSSS