salads wee's feed

dropping this around Ch25 bcs i just dont see this going anywhere & judging by other comments it's being dragged out & whats the thought process behind making her ur mc, she has not taken any action

notes i took while reading; SPOILERS:

"i never expected.."—this abusive father to be abusive after u turn ur back around?!

shes too stupid

literally just walk in on the whipping, act shocked, sad & scared & tell the duke to stop ?? is that not a plan that'd fit this story ??

why is the duke so cruel & shes just accepting it all get the duchess involved, my god??

"It isn't just my body that feels younger,
even my heart as well." ur brain too somehow

oh my gooooooddd kill the duke or smthn

ITS BEEN TWO YEARS?! HES BEEN GETTING WHIPPED FOR ANOTHER TWO YEARS?! she hasnt seen the duchess in 2 yrs either?? she's just been baking & socializing??

noah seems like a scary villain bcs mc seems so incompetent

omg she lives lavish & he lives like a peasant & shes okay with it??