Jaekyung: Hey, Kim Dan, so I'm sorry I raped you and stuff, and I guess it wasn't really your fault that the match went bad, so could you come back so I could rape you some more pretty please?
Dan: OMG Jay you must be the love of my life no one has ever been as kind to me as this (or is as hot as you, because realistically what other reason could there possibly be). Come here and let me shove your horse cock down my throat and I will gag in submission.
There wrote it for you.
I really liked the story overall, finished it all in like two days. But Soohyun just, IDK, creeps me out still? Like I thought there would me more of a moment when he had to confront his creepy psycho behavior or smthn, but no, Euny is just like naw that's hot and totally cute and not weird at all. Love the both obvs but a little jarring. Like totally creepy to complete fluff, like a less horrific Hit On By A Kinky Guy...
I'm poor af but for the first time in my life I KNOW I'm gonna be rich one day so I can pay off Dan's goddamn debts and give him a life of lavish luxury. Screw Jaekyung.
I don't have a ginormous dick tho so that could be a problem.