ryuzy August 1, 2024 2:30 am

wtf im so fucking going to kill that fucking guy holy shit i have never ever felt like this before

ryuzy July 29, 2024 1:51 am

not mitsuki casually makes everyone in her class question their sexuality

ryuzy July 26, 2024 1:23 pm

guys the author is a groomer, she had sex with a minor while being in her 20s and also sexually shamed her

    Somu July 26, 2024 2:54 pm

    Bro I read the prints and I don't think that's a big deal. Where I'm from it's pretty common to date a 16 yo when you're much older. When I was that age I dated an older woman so I can't see what's wrong with all that

    Far July 26, 2024 3:51 pm
    Bro I read the prints and I don't think that's a big deal. Where I'm from it's pretty common to date a 16 yo when you're much older. When I was that age I dated an older woman so I can't see what's wrong with a... Somu

    Oh no honey...that's wrong on so many levels. Adults shouldn't date minors and that's final. If she really did groom a minor, then that's absolutely disgusting on her part. When you're an adult dating a 16 year old, there's a significant power balance present in that relationship that makes it harder for someone younger to make fully informed decisions, and that leads to manipulation aka she groomed a minor.

    Far July 26, 2024 3:52 pm
    Bro I read the prints and I don't think that's a big deal. Where I'm from it's pretty common to date a 16 yo when you're much older. When I was that age I dated an older woman so I can't see what's wrong with a... Somu

    *power imbalance that exclude experience, maturity and power

    Somu July 26, 2024 4:00 pm
    Oh no honey...that's wrong on so many levels. Adults shouldn't date minors and that's final. If she really did groom a minor, then that's absolutely disgusting on her part. When you're an adult dating a 16 year... Far

    Idk, I'm used to that stuff. My grandmother was pregnant at 15 and the father was 30 years older than her lol (I think that's too much), and a cousin of mine dated a 15 yo girl when he was 20. Right or wrong it's determined by people's own thoughts and ethics, mostly based on experiences (or imprints), so I can't see this as a wrong act.

    honey July 26, 2024 4:36 pm
    Idk, I'm used to that stuff. My grandmother was pregnant at 15 and the father was 30 years older than her lol (I think that's too much), and a cousin of mine dated a 15 yo girl when he was 20. Right or wrong it... Somu

    just cause you are "used to that stuff" does not make it any normal. A grown ass adult being with a 15-16 yr old is wrong both legally and morally. Please stop undermining grooming

    Somu July 26, 2024 6:28 pm
    just cause you are "used to that stuff" does not make it any normal. A grown ass adult being with a 15-16 yr old is wrong both legally and morally. Please stop undermining grooming honey

    Ok so what is "normal"? Something usual? Something current? To me and a lot of people it's normal. If it's not for you than it's fine, but in my vision it's completly normal. And legally, it's permitted. Morally? Well, that's based on each person's view.

    ryuzy July 27, 2024 9:54 am
    Ok so what is "normal"? Something usual? Something current? To me and a lot of people it's normal. If it's not for you than it's fine, but in my vision it's completly normal. And legally, it's permitted. Morall... Somu

    why are you so desperate to justify pedophilia? just bcs you're used to it doesn't mean you can tell other people to normalize it. many young people get traumatized and die from this. 'what is normal'? stop being goofy ahh you're not special just bcs you got groomed. 'a lot of people think it's normal' bcs all of them are ADULTs who groomed the young people lol please get some help for real

    honey July 27, 2024 7:37 pm
    why are you so desperate to justify pedophilia? just bcs you're used to it doesn't mean you can tell other people to normalize it. many young people get traumatized and die from this. 'what is normal'? stop bei... ryuzy

    omg literally like it's grooming girl what's not clicking

    Far July 28, 2024 6:39 am
    Ok so what is "normal"? Something usual? Something current? To me and a lot of people it's normal. If it's not for you than it's fine, but in my vision it's completly normal. And legally, it's permitted. Morall... Somu

    Girl if you don't think it's morally wrong then unfortunately you definitely have some unresolved problems adults SHOULDN'T be dating minors PERIOD. It's not normal and shouldn't be. Idc what country your from, but any adult should know and understand that it is disgusting to date a minor.

    RouxiLan August 5, 2024 2:45 am

    Wait what’s the source of the allegations, if you don’t mind me asking?

    honey August 5, 2024 5:05 am
    Wait what’s the source of the allegations, if you don’t mind me asking? RouxiLan


    RouxiLan August 5, 2024 6:38 am
    https://x.com/true0bIue/status/1817532622085501165 honey

    Thank you, yikes i’m so disappointed, i really liked their work, not anymore..

    Vega August 14, 2024 1:29 pm
    Girl if you don't think it's morally wrong then unfortunately you definitely have some unresolved problems adults SHOULDN'T be dating minors PERIOD. It's not normal and shouldn't be. Idc what country your from... Far

    Adults should not be dating minors, it's true for every country. The question is, who is considered minor. In different countries there are different answers for this question. From where I'm from, you are not minor from 16 years old, with some benefits and restrictions until 18 years old.

    I'm not capable of talking about psychological aspect of when it's appropriate to have sex, but biologically for women it's just dangerous to have it if her body is underdeveloped, because in case of pregnancy it would be hard to provide birth. And because of that I can clearly see why sex under 16 is forbidden.

    Far August 15, 2024 4:44 am
    Adults should not be dating minors, it's true for every country. The question is, who is considered minor. In different countries there are different answers for this question. From where I'm from, you are not ... Vega

    Sometimes we don't need to agree with a system. If we go by that logic, women still wouldn't be allowed to vote or play in theatres, cutting people's head off for being gay or just because you are king would still be permitted. The system is far from being perfect, and that's why it's our job to fight for what's morally and ethically right and for justice. From a developmental biology and a psychological perspective, a minor is an individual who has not yet reached full physical and cognitive maturity, which correlates with anyone under the age of 18. It is undeniably ETHICALLY wrong to be dating a minor (anyone under the age of 18) due to the big age gap in education levels, emotional levels, etc. It is just not ethical, regardless of wherever you're from that states that people under the age of 18 aren't minors, and if you feel an attraction to a teenager, you need help. Adults shouldn't be dating teenagers, period. Fight for what's ethically right.

    Vega August 15, 2024 7:09 am
    Sometimes we don't need to agree with a system. If we go by that logic, women still wouldn't be allowed to vote or play in theatres, cutting people's head off for being gay or just because you are king would st... Far

    My state is that "morally wrong" is not a universal reason, because "moral" could be different in different countries. In some countries it's morally wrong to have same sex relationships, in some - for women to not have they faces covered.
    So, we need actual reasons. Biological is one of them. Your idea about difference in experience is good too, but it's more like an age gup reason, because 15 and 17 years old have similar experience, but 15 years old is still underaged and it still should be forbidden.
    But difference in experience is close to psychology, so I could be wrong in that matter.
    Also, just for clarification, I'm not dating a minor neither do I have intension to.

    Far August 15, 2024 8:16 am
    My state is that "morally wrong" is not a universal reason, because "moral" could be different in different countries. In some countries it's morally wrong to have same sex relationships, in some - for women to... Vega

    Like I mentioned before, we dont have to agree with a system just because it's been normalized. As humans we prospwr the idea of humanity, where we live in each other's best interest; which is avoiding harm to one another. It is unfortunate however that not everyone understand the concept of not harming one another, whether that be psychically, mentally, or emotionally. Religion, like you mentioned, in itself is not particularly a harmful thing because it was made for people to have faith and believe in it. People who are forced to belive in a religion they do not accept is an example of being harmed and is what's happening in most countries right now. Some countries (like you mentioned) force their women to cover, strip women away from education, and much more due to religion, which is harmful, and that doesn't mean we need to accept or normalize that.

    Point is, we can clearly see that it's wrong, women are being forced unwillingly, whether they realize it or not. The perprators in power clearly do not, they see it as a good thing when women are clearly being forced and harmed.

    So there's your reason; if you want to be a good human, you don't support a big age gap between an adult and a minor where the minor is more likely to be exploited by the adult, with more experience in life than the minor. I've already discussed what a minor is biologically and psychologically, so I hope we don't have to go through that again.

    Vega August 15, 2024 1:20 pm
    Like I mentioned before, we dont have to agree with a system just because it's been normalized. As humans we prospwr the idea of humanity, where we live in each other's best interest; which is avoiding harm to ... Far

    Good response. I like it.

    soosoo August 15, 2024 4:06 pm

    didnt she explain on her instagram that it was fake

    Vega September 8, 2024 12:31 pm
    didnt she explain on her instagram that it was fake soosoo

    The problem with modern internet, is that it's enough to be accused in something to be canceled. You can explain that is fake however you like, people would still believe what they want too.

    So usually I just ignore all of this until it's proven in the court.

ryuzy July 24, 2024 6:44 pm

i hate all the potential mls pls kill me

    Smile July 24, 2024 10:54 pm

    No ! Kill them insteadヾ(❀╹◡╹)ノ~

ryuzy July 21, 2024 1:39 pm

even tho she's not her real mother, it still feels weird considering the fact that the mom took care of her since she was baby

    Fate July 21, 2024 3:29 pm

    OHHHH omg I fr thought she was her biological daughter and I was like giving mixed feelings about this thank god but the age gap though is a little concerning

ryuzy July 21, 2024 1:35 pm


ryuzy July 14, 2024 5:21 pm

this is one of the reasons why i am a lesbian

ryuzy July 14, 2024 9:45 am

guys im going to kill someone

ryuzy July 13, 2024 8:08 am

god why are the chapters so short lately? i swear i only read for like one minutes

ryuzy July 12, 2024 11:00 am

rip that poosay

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