... I had a thought about how the sister’s tree would bloom when they’re both finally happy or something and honestly that scene where it was in full bloom made me emotional
pls this is so great sjjddj i love the mc’s development and how he slowly realizes things,,, i also like how it’s not like most stories that the mc accepted that he’s inlove w the ml then bla bla everything’s already alright and stuff
ai is still as adorable as everrr and wth the way that nagato is so so gentle with ai and how he didn’t liked how his friends talking lightly about what ai went through before ahdhjddj penge nga jowa pls huhu
the concept(?) is quite like cheating men must die tho with the opposite gender and this was more on happy endings while the other one is not really. but this was fun to read,,
this story is actually pretty nice if not for the bad start and the top’s toxic behavior (tho he kinda gets better in the later part??) because uhm that was not it,,,
that’s def his father