shi0sqn created a topic of Chaotic Desire
shi0sqn created a topic of Crucial Point
shi0sqn created a topic of After Killing You

cheating and lying to your partner is bad
raping them for doing so is another thing

shi0sqn created a topic of Nerd Project
shi0sqn like the answer
Least devoted Lebron glazer
shi0sqn created a topic of Can't Think Straight

i love his redemption arc cause he genuinely feels bad over it and doesn't shrug it off like it never happened

shi0sqn created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage

just read the raws, shits hot asf

shi0sqn created a topic of Immediate Disadvantage


shi0sqn created a topic of Can't Think Straight
shi0sqn created a topic of Full volume

the way i catched up to this manhwa since chap 1 and i can also see it ending literally my overall favourite manhwa to read

im gonna be honest they do not have any chemistry