Author dedicates... give or take...80 chapters to the main couple then decides to give 8 to a new couple and everybody’s flipping a shit. I understand the frustration of wanting a conclusion of the first couple...that we KNOW for a FACT it’s going to get together but STOP COMPLAINING!
Fans think they have a right to demand things from authors. That’s one of the reasons I think killing stalkings ended so abruptly. She was sick a lot but if I was them, I’d be sick of the whining, complaining, and demanding fans who pout when the author writes the story they intended.
I’m not even mad at her. Imagine being with someone your whole life and genuinely loving them and expecting to become someone great such as queen then... boom. Your nothing and your man was taken my some random person. I’d be PISSED
It’s driving me crazy... isn’t he an only child?? Unless it lost in translation and the little girl is his cousin.
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