I can’t wait until they find out about her father being abusive to her

i bought the chapter from ridibooks but you can find some spoiler about the chapter here its pretty much the same

The only reason I don’t like the FL is because she doesn’t ask as of she’s 36 (and mentally she should be 39) she acts like she’s a dependent teenager

She was actually raised to be educated like her BROTHER. They said this a couple chapters ago when we found out she speaks multiple languages. She choose to back down and not show her intelligence... becomes her dependence she has this demeanor about the that’s as a teenager... her 15 child acts more like an adult

I understand what you mean but look, intellect-wise she may have been well-versed in languages and reading, but the mindset she was brought up with was very different. She wasn’t exactly raised to be an independent woman, she always thought she had to be married to a man to secure power and in general just because you’re smart in education DOESNT mean you’re educated in other aspects of your life. She never thought of being a scholar or was raised with the idea she could or should be anything other than a wife of a man.

That is her place in society. Sure, she was educated, she got that privillage however due to her families circumstances and the expectations of society, she had to backdown.
In one of the chapters, he mentioned that she sacrafised herself and her life for her family, to secure/improve/protect their status.
And she did that. Their marriage was also very suddent and done out of need.
She tried not to be a reliant teenager, she tried to work, she tried to help with managment however she was rejected and excluded.
Also, socalisation is an important factor. And I'm certain that she told by both her family and the outside world that a woman must have a child and marry a man. She might have never even questioned that. She simply knows that it's her role, she hates her life and she is in hardcore denial about how unsatified she is with it. She views herself as bad/strange for not being happy with the standard expected female life.

Bro, first of all I am a woman. Secondly all I said was I don’t like the FL because she was childish despite being nearly 40. To say that woman in general during an era acted as childish as her is ignorant, because it makes it seem as though women were incapable of being anything but sheep for their family’s. I know for a fact that it was a difficult time for women, but people should not conclude a woman’s personality to be solely defined on society or there would be no progression for women period.

NAUURRRR how tf is she childish? just because she is discovering what she wants to do lately? just because she doesn't know how to properly communicate and is meek to stand up for herself? is the depression? or is it her demeanor? like, do you want her to be like mean, slouchy and all mature and stoic at the age of 40 when there is nothing wrong on being in touch with your inner child especially when she's deprived of a normal childhood. lmfao, if u dont like women like her why are you still here wtf

How was she Deprived of a normal childhood? She was given the opportunity most women couldn’t have. She was given an education she was allowed to learn business management and she had the choice on who she wanted to marry. And to answer your question I do think it’s childish that she doesn’t know how to properly communicate. Yes I do. definitely BEFORE her depression. postpartum depression is real Which is why I never said I didn’t like her during the depression, or even how she treated her son. Nor did I ever say she had to be slouchy or stoic. Why are you so defensive? I stated my opinion for a character and you sound actually hurt

I appreciate this question.For context in talking both before and after her Postpartum depression.
By childishness I mean her constant need for approval from her husband and from her servants and her Naivety for her surroundings and how willing she is to except commands dispute the fact she is in power. and her being in power is super important in what I’m talking about... she’s not just any woman, different characters have stated this fact, yet she acts defenseless and obviously to the politics around her which she should know better than anyone because of the sacrifices she had to make and why she made them. She’s not stupid and Ignorant of the fact that people could want her killed and the weight that her family name holds yet she leaves everything to everyone else without putting up a fight. She if it wasn’t stated, she could’ve played her sons girlfriend instead of his mother. She holds no Authority over anything even though she should have authority over so much. She should have control over something in her life, because the men who Supposedly have control over her (both her father and her husband) allow her to do whatever she wants but she chooses not to like a complacent child.
And if you don’t believe that she had choices just look at the fact that she keeps calling him her best choice... she could’ve chose differently because her father allowed her to. She could’ve had control over the management of some aspects in her house. Because she is the lady of the house and she holds a higher rank than anyone else in the household besides her husband. Even though her husband was upset that she went to parties she did it anyway granted she was just doing that for attention. If you really want her to stop he would’ve made her stop but he didn’t.

Well, she is a stranger, an outsider comment into that household. She needs to get approval from the people within that power structure to be active in it. Unless she is allowed to have any authority by her husband, she won't have it. At the time the woman's power was determined by whenever or not she was favored by her owner. Can you point at any specific incidents? Maybe I will get what you mean more if we can speak about anything specific?
What authority does she have? She got allowed to go outside by herself once and she was allowed to go out to parties once her son was older.
I agree with you, she should have some control over that household. However, when she did the work and when she tried to be active/helpful, she was denied that opportunity and treated as an annoyance (refer to the chapter when the other lady helped her get permission to go outside without an escort.) Is her status really higher when she does not have the support of her husband? Is the power to go to parties (which don't happen often) a power that is useful? Or is it just a bit better than not being allowed to leave the household?
He was her " best choice" however, that is meant in terms of men. She could have married him or that other guy with the bad vibes. Sure, she could have gone with a different man, however, the freedom to marry either man A or man B isn't truly freedom. It's like if you could either date me or eruri and the option to stay single wasn't allowed, that wouldn't be true freedom, would it?

She was able to go to parties when her son was five years old. even though her husband would have preferred not to but he did because she wanted to, which shows that if she asks she will most likely receive.
She randomly decided to stop four of her sons tutors from coming and her husband just backed down. And the sons education and perfection is important to the father. But her opinion matters to him.
To my previous two points...Her husband does love her and if she asks him anything he would give it to her she just doesn’t (she hopes he’s a mind reader)
She had to ask permission to leave the state without any guards because in reality that’s a stupid idea considering who she is. People will try to kill her or kidnap her to use her as leverage.
Yes you are correct she was an outsider, but you have to prove your usefulness regardless of were you go but she just quit not because her husband wanted her to stop but because that one guy stopped her.

It doesn't show that, you're assuming that on the basis of that.
It wasn't random, it was based on realizing how much work he is doing. Too much work is exhausting and will affect your well-being. And yes, she got that, but only because the husband agreed.
How is she hoping that he is a mind reader and how should she know that he loves her?
That only applies if they know of her identity. She went out dressed as s peasant (in disguise), which means that no one would be able to identify her. Furthermore, one of the merchants tried to call her into the store (as though she was a peasant), meaning that her disguise was convincing.
She did try to prove her work, she wrote a lot. He was the one in charge of managing that area, if she continued to try to get involved after being shown that she is not wanted, she would be acting like a complete airhead with no social skills. And that one guy had authority in that household. What would the point of her doing things be if anything she did, ended up being ignored/put aside? Additionally, in the scene where he talked with his wife, she made it clear that she knew that he purposely decided to exclude her due to her being an outsider, which meant that she could have been a spy. His reasoning was not based on her not showing that she was useful. Contradictory, he himself admitted that she got the right figure despite her lack of experience. That is a great achievement within itself.

It was random, because she was never involved in her son’s education and with the time line of the story, since she actually went back three years, for the everyone it was like she was depressed an then she woke up one day and suddenly cared...in everyone’s else’s eyes it seems as if she suddenly was interested in her son. Which is why everyone was surprised. She never even knew how much classes her son took, then as soon as she heard she canceled some...
They both lack communication skills. She hopes he’s a mind reader, by that I mean, she never told him I’m lonely, I don’t feel supported, you only treat me like a mother, or ask him do you really love me? It was 15+ years in to her marriage until they had a real conversation on what she felt going through her years of marriage.
The fact that she had to Disguise her self in the first place is my point. She’s important enough to need to hide who she was. Just because the disguise worked doesn’t change the fact it was dangerous.
And to your last point. She should have tried again, it’s not acting like an airhead, it’s showing how much you want to be involved in her new family. Just because you failed once you should just quit. The point of doing this again was because she had something to prove and earn. He did admit she was good at what she did but she never tried to earn his trust. He acted correctly, he couldn’t just entrust everything to a stranger (which she was when she just got married) everything takes time to build and she needed to push more than what she did. Let her husband tell her to stop not one of his workers

It might seem random but you got to consider that she went back in past, and she started having the desire to be a good mother. She regretted not having a close relationship with her child so she went out of her way to learn about it. Others might see it differently, however, sometimes people change.
She doesn't show that she has any desire for him to know that she is lonely so she isn't expecting him to be a mind reader. She is dealing with it and she isn't happy about it but based on the story, she sees her lack of happiness as something that is wrong with her because everyone around her who lives a similar life is happy. So to her, her lack of happiness just means that there is something inherently wrong with her.
If the disguise worked, then it was not dangerous and no one seems to be after her, neither now nor later.
It would be acting like an airhead and what is the point of trying again when it was already made clear that she isn't welcome. Also, she didn't fail. She did good, however that didn't matter at all. What mattered was that she wasn't welcomed. This means that regardless of the effort she put in, everything she would do would be deemed as not something she is allowed to do. If she continued, she would simply be doing work that would be disposed of or ignored. That would make no difference. The correct procedure would be for her to be given that role outright, however she wasn't, and when she tried to get those responsibilities, she was denied. Do you truly believe that she would have been allowed to do work if, even after all those years, the person in charge still has a negative attitude towards her and lacks trust for her?

I’m saying it is random for the husband, her son and the servants... not random for her.
To prove my point. Please tell me, Why did she need a disguise?
And basically, because she wasn’t welcomed she should stop making an effort? Like a... why bother attitude?
And yes I do believe that she would have been allowed to work if she voiced her wants.

How is being pressured to become smart and a good wife a good way to start your childhood? Like how is that normal. I don't know if you actually understand where she is coming from a psychological perspective. Pressure can break you, especially from childhood. Plus, I still don't understand how is she childish enough to annoy you. She was just trying to survive. You're quite defensive as well and you're still here so I'm just matching your energy. I am defending my opinion, too LOL.

Indeed, it is random for her, but we as viewers know that in reality, this action had a deeper more meaningful cause.
The disguise could have been used to simply blend into society, it has the advantage of keeping her safe, however, intention-wise, she could have simply wanted to be treated like a normal human being. Furthermore, if she was at risk, her going along with an escort would not make a difference, 1 person would not be capable of defending her. During the series, there have been 0 murder attempts on her and she holds no power. I find it hard to see that getting rid of her would be useful/worth doing to anyone atm/
If, it's made clear that you will be excluded from somewhere, not because of the quality of your work, but simply because you're an outsider, there is no point in making an effort unless you can change the thing about yourself that is making them choose to exclude you. She can't change her heritage, nor the blood in her veins.
Did she not voice her desire to work already through her actions?

Where does he get the nerve of acting as if he is her ruler. It’s Supposed to be a marriage NOT a slave contract. He Has the audacity of saying “I’ve never intended to let you live as a free lady.” At this point I feel like he’s more concerned with processing her than he is Her general health. If the wedding so important to him he should plan it.

Why do people kept assuming he's not planning his part of the wedding? Should he be the one to choose Ripley's wardrobe and everything?
Besides this is a good opportunity for Ripley to sit down and rest properly(even if she still chose to work instead, which the duke disapproved but he didn't forcefully told her to stop her work) but at least she didn't need to go outside and give her body more stress. She had nosebleed for two times during those wedding preparations+work. Her complexion was poor, which was highlighted by not only the duke, but Wright and Etoire. Even Sylvia acknowledge it.
Yeah, it seems harsh to "ground" Ripley, the duke has no right to do that... no right as a decent human that is. But he's far from decent lmao, he's an obsessive duke ( ̄∇ ̄") But the stubborn girl needed it. And fyi it gave her the time to finish both her work and the wedding preparations lol.

Agreed. Somehow i agree with the duke in this. She didnt look like she's looking forward to the wedding since she kept on doing her VOLUNTARY business when she supposed to focus on her wedding instead. She need to put her priorities right. Imagine if it is the other way around, where the duke getting busy with voluntary work instead of focusing on their wedding, at the same time she was the only one focus on the wedding, she might get angry at the duke too.

It's actually in the context of "I will never ever let you go", "I will never let you be free from me", "and no matter what, you will be the duchess of Ingrid"(because Ripley said she wasn't a duchess yet so her schedule should be set by her, and not follow his schedule-- which is the scheduled wedding).
So in the novel they were discussing about how the marriage couldn't be delayed and Ripley needed to follow the wedding schedule and that Geronis told Ripley to do everything else after the marriage(to which Ripley suggest that the marriage could be delayed a little) because everyone important, and even the Emperor himself would attend the wedding. The schedule has already been set, any delay in wedding is non negotiable.
In the novel he explicitly said to Ripley: "I would never, ever, let you free Lady" so I assume the free lady is meant as someone that is still available?
Of course the translation itself could be mistranslated (although this chapter of the novel that was translated is on the better side of the translation, it's not heavily MTL'ED).
The story telling and plot “conflicts” are sooo bad I already read so many chapters so I don’t want to drop it.