Y'all really going to ignore the fact that she called us dumb little kids for only choosing one when we could have all I mean she's right and I can't believe I didn't think of that until now...
As long as Dan-I is happy with whoever she ends up with I'm fine with that.
However I fucking hate the ending. After seeing how hard her son tries to remember her hurts. Like wtf when did I offer you my heart only for you to rip it up and destroy me like this.
Honestly I find reading this amusing but I'm starting to miss the interactions between the son. I wonder what happened to the senior brother and the cat... I miss that cat who would slam books on her head.
While your all talking about Emel, can I point out what Anne said? She suffered a lot and told Estelle that just because their pain isn't exactly the same or their experiences don't match up, it doesn't mean that she shouldn't talk about it.
Pushing aside all the relationship drama, the way the author depicted the fans is sadly accurate to me. Not all fans are like that but it's really frightening how people don't listen and can't seem to respect the personal space of anyone famous.
Dan-I is giving us constant reminders that she might just one day disappear and it's sad and I wish she would stop but I honestly get it