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weebobii's question ( All 1 )

just a random question but why am i always a rebound? my first girlfriend relapsed after we got together and now i was flirting with this girl and noticed avoidant issues on her, i talked to her about it and it turns out she wants her ex back. i’m tired being a rebound, maybe its time to switch to guys HHAHAA just kidding, just needed to rant things out
08 10,2023

People are doing

did survived depression

Its scary how bad the lens is that you have going through it. Things get better, it just takes time

10 minutes
did survived depression

It really does get better (yea ik that's hard to believe sometimes), you just gotta give it time and try not to be too hard on yourself :)

1 hours
want to do survived depression

i wish it could go away

8 hours