he is so annoying with no respect whatsoever for himself, her, her feelings, or her relationship. I honestly don't mind it when there's someone who has an unrequited love for the main lead but that guys is just crossing boundaries. he is constantly intruding, making a mess of things, and making her feel uncomfortable even after multiple rejections like she isn't even leading him on. if you really loved her then you would want her to be happy and clearly all your doing is making her life worse. also he has no fucking morals. if someones in a relationship then it's disrespectful af to try to steal his girl and even meet her family and he had the fucking guts to smile and act like a goodie two shoes in front of her boyfriend. that's something YOU DON'T DO. I wanna beat the living shit out of him :)

I don't know how this is getting good reviews. She was raped. Don't try to fucking justify it. I will not condone a misogynistic rapist male lead. Don't pull the "but it gets better and he chAnGEs" because literally criminals beat the shit and even murder their rapists/molesters cellmate in jail. If you didn't get my point then what I'm tryna say is that even CRIMINALS know how disgusting it is to sexually assault so how shitty is the male lead to do that to her. Sexual abuse is literally one of the most traumatic things you can go through and you're trying to tell me that she just gets over it and they fall in love???? Nah.
I like how we're getting a bit of fat representation in manga BUT I hate how it all revolves around her weight. I can't put my finger on it but it just doesn't vibe well with me. It's like finally giving a chubby person a lead role but making their whole character about being fat and the love interest falls in love because of the fact that she's fat. The whole point of representations is that we normalize it not fetishize it.
I like that it's currently focusing on why she's with Tagami in the first place though. A lot of em chubby mc stories are about the girl falling in love with the guy only because he loves her. Here, Mugi explores where her feelings for Tagami come from to make sure that she's not with him just cause he's interested in her.