1 or 2yrs ago I was looking for femdom female alpha male omega mangas/manhwas and I found none, it was either vanilla straight omegaverse (alpha male female omega) or yaoi or yuri. This year I had the pleasure of discovering 3 mangas/manhwas that gave me exactly what I wanted
A similar thing happened with isekai Bls that don’t just have sex but also good world building and story.
Now either someone’s secretly spying on me and doing the SpongeBob meme ‘write that down!’ Orrr I’m a genius!
And no there’s no other option

It was interesting up until the dude’s power got multiplied by 10k. Seriously I was excited to see how he was gonna power up but nooooo how could I forget it’s a manhua :)
At least the art’s pretty

Hinata 257 answered question about question
If I was a murderer i’d only target rapists and take their genitalia to make an example out of them
Hinata 257 answered question about question
Idk if I taste good or not but I sure as hell look delicious

Who's the spin-off couple? The one on thé cover that is, cuz the seme in the main couple is blond, but both ukes look alike, are they related?

The rational limits no longer apply feels like a pretty long way to Say "We don't believe in concent"
Also, i'm petty and I felt good about that ending, get rekt

Hinata 257 answered question about have an unpopular opinion
If we want to go the science route then technically the only true gender/sex is female Why do men have nipples? Cuz they used ti be female. Why do they have that weird Line between their genitals and anus? That's where their pussy should've been Also fun fact: some fish are technically trans (I only know about gold fish though) the female is actual......
Hinata 257 created a topic of One Night Only

I’m leaving this to marinate aka get completed but I do wanna know if it’s that good?

Hinata 257 answered question about have an unpopular opinion
Actual talented people drawing beautiful art Meanwhile me
Hinata 257 answered question about have an unpopular opinion
When you realise that ancient people wore more modest clothes than modern humans that have factories for clothing But seriously, everyone has the freedom to wear what they want, and we can’t blame the victims for what they are wearing, a lot of Arab women wearing modest clothe (sometimes you can’t even see their faces) still get raped/assaulte......
Hinata 257 like the answer
With all due respect, this is probably why you can’t get laid
Hinata 257 followed a goer

favorite manhwa (rn) : God of highschool :)) and King's Maker

18 08,2023
Hinata 257 answered question about have sex
Well, a simple explanation would be: race is something you can’t change, sex is also something you can’t change, chromosomes n’ DNA n’ shit Gender however, is a human concept, it’s not a scientific thing, neither is left and right, the scientific terms would be north, south, east and west Another thing would be the imperial system, it’s......
Hinata 257 answered question about have sex
With all due respect, this is probably why you can’t get laid
Hinata 257 answered question about make a picrew
He’s definitely not mad about the fact that you dirtied the carpet with your dirty ass shoes
Hinata 257 answered question about question
For me? No I don’t give a shit what you have in your pants, if you’re an annoying little shit you’re an annoying little shit If anything, female characters (in anime at least) get away with being assholes more than male characters just because they’re ‘tsunderes~‘ but all I see is a dickhead What’s worse is most op female characters f......
Hinata 257 created a topic of Boy meets Girl

I dropped this a while ago cuz of how traumatising it is but now I’m curious
Apparently there’s a baby and at some point there was another une who liked the seme? Can y’all’s spoil it for me?

Hinata 257 created a topic of Castehate

I kinda like it, but i also don't, it has some cute moments but is mostly toxic, not sure if it's gonna end up as a polygamous or if two end up together and the other doesn't, also, this is a love triangle, snake likes wolf, wolf likes rabbit but also doesn't, and maybe likes snake, and rabbit likes snake and uses wolf, very toxic and dramatic, usually I'm not into these types of stories and thought of dropping it, but my curiosity made me read it, i hope it has some sort of happy ending honestly, specially for the snake and his children (;ŏ﹏ŏ)
Update: fuuuuuuuuuuu, what type of ending was that????? So, rabbit and wolf end up together and have a child, but what about the snake you ask???? Well, even though he confessed to the wolf, and they almost ended up together, the wolf found out the rabbit was eating another two alphas and went to him(it was in Spanish so i don't know the exact context) i think the snake ends up with someone but, i just wanna ask, why are the nice selfless people the ones that get hurt???? The snake had everything the wolf needed, he was a rare species, he was nice and WASN'T TRYING TO EAT HIM ALL THE TIME, not sure, but i think they were also a fated pair, again, not sure, and finally, they were childhood friends so they've known everything about each other for a long time, so with all that, why was the snake left out? I'm 100% that no one would've been sad if the bunny died from starvation because he sacrificed himself for the wolf, and then the wolf and snake end up together..... But the author thought otherwise, and now I'm depressed (●´⌓`●)

Hinata 257 answered question about ending friendships
Sometimes it starts with people ironically shipping them for their beautiful bromance and slowly it develops into a small fandom Other times it’s people thinking ´well guy A is hot, and so is guy B… so what if?’ Sometimes head canons/fanons get out of hand, but for me, as long as they’re nice about it and not forcing their ship on anybody ......