puppieluver0 March 3, 2025 3:15 am

All men do is be bisexual and GREEDY

puppieluver0 April 19, 2021 3:55 pm

Wait but did Minjun ever get his stuff? I feel like they could've gotten it while they waited for the lawyer....

    Kima April 19, 2021 4:09 pm

    We have the same priorities hahahhaha

    Crosstail April 19, 2021 4:44 pm

    Was thinking the same lol.

    Aaahh❤ April 19, 2021 4:46 pm

    Lol if you were in that situation, i wonder if you could even think about those items.
    And didn't you see that he just woke up not long before the lawyer arrived? Right-hand man was being considerate. (・–・)\(^-^ )

    puppieluver0 April 19, 2021 5:11 pm
    Lol if you were in that situation, i wonder if you could even think about those items. And didn't you see that he just woke up not long before the lawyer arrived? Right-hand man was being considerate. (・–�... Aaahh❤

    I mean I don't know if I'd remember immediately, but I'd definitely remember at some point and want my stuff lol

puppieluver0 April 11, 2021 4:11 am

The girl makes me so confused. Like, normally these type of characters are obstacles to our main couple because they want to date one of them, but the author made her a lesbian? So an already annoying trope makes even less sense? Like why would a gay girl specifically want a gay guy friend and then fuck with their love lives?

    chairs~ April 11, 2021 4:32 am

    yeah it doesn't really make much sense, that's why I'm curious as to why she's doin that...

    Yaoihirk April 11, 2021 5:32 am

    She may be bi and not fully gay. Or not gay ad all and faking.

    nadropoom April 11, 2021 5:42 am

    maybe she's lying about her sexuality

    blackFushoji101 April 11, 2021 5:58 am

    probably just fucking crazy ig

    Ebii April 11, 2021 6:09 am

    When she watched the leaked sex tape and said she wanted to try that I was hella confused. Why is she so obsessed with Jihyun tf

    Le-Level Up! April 11, 2021 6:25 am
    When she watched the leaked sex tape and said she wanted to try that I was hella confused. Why is she so obsessed with Jihyun tf Ebii

    I think she's supposed to be the crazy version of a fugoshi, like she saw two men having sex so maybe she wants to have sex with a gay guy. Or watch them have sex idk. I seriously doubt she's a lesbian tho, she's just annoying

    nadropoom April 11, 2021 6:44 am
    I think she's supposed to be the crazy version of a fugoshi, like she saw two men having sex so maybe she wants to have sex with a gay guy. Or watch them have sex idk. I seriously doubt she's a lesbian tho, she... Le-Level Up!

    ikr first thing that came to my mind is that she's fujoshi but when they said she's a lesbian I was so confused like huh?

puppieluver0 April 10, 2021 11:30 pm

I just keep wishing he had dialed 911 while murder guy was in the bathroom. He could've just said the address they were at and then young blond guy, even if he was still killed, people would at least know what happened to him

    meowzi April 11, 2021 12:00 am

    thats actually putting hes own life in danger if ever he did that. that guy is testing him so before the police come in that place theyll be both dead and the guy already run away... (i think.. ( ifeellikeapsychoforthinkingthisway)

puppieluver0 February 1, 2021 5:57 am

I mean Noona is spitting straight facts

puppieluver0 January 24, 2021 12:15 am

Damn now I wanna buy some lingerie. They're literally so cute wtf Nothing but love for MY straight couple

puppieluver0 January 18, 2021 3:44 pm

I love the sales lady's line about how it's all well and good to want to be sexy for your partner, but making yourself feel good and confident is the most important thing!

puppieluver0 January 1, 2021 6:11 am

I like this story, but I wished Sang Hwa seemed to enjoy sex more? Like...this is all seeming very one-sided on the sexual part of their relationship and it's lowkey uncomfortable. Like, could the author make it seem like he's not just barely putting up with having sex with his boyfriend? Is that too much to ask lol

puppieluver0 December 23, 2020 1:56 am

I was REALLY liking this story, but now their sexual relationship, seems, hmm, not so 100% consensual??? And it's really fucking my good vibes with this story Like, why is their sexual relationship written this way

puppieluver0 September 25, 2020 4:49 am

One of the few hetero mangas I read. God I love them so much

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