The girl makes me so confused. Like, normally these type of characters are obstacles to our main couple because they want to date one of them, but the author made her a lesbian? So an already annoying trope makes even less sense? Like why would a gay girl specifically want a gay guy friend and then fuck with their love lives?
I like this story, but I wished Sang Hwa seemed to enjoy sex more? Like...this is all seeming very one-sided on the sexual part of their relationship and it's lowkey uncomfortable. Like, could the author make it seem like he's not just barely putting up with having sex with his boyfriend? Is that too much to ask lol
Wait but did Minjun ever get his stuff? I feel like they could've gotten it while they waited for the lawyer....
We have the same priorities hahahhaha
Was thinking the same lol.
Lol if you were in that situation, i wonder if you could even think about those items.
And didn't you see that he just woke up not long before the lawyer arrived? Right-hand man was being considerate. (・–・)\(^-^ )
I mean I don't know if I'd remember immediately, but I'd definitely remember at some point and want my stuff lol