The girl makes me so confused. Like, normally these type of characters are obstacles to our main couple because they want to date one of them, but the author made her a lesbian? So an already annoying trope makes even less sense? Like why would a gay girl specifically want a gay guy friend and then fuck with their love lives?
Generally, I am pretty unsure about my sexual identity. I'm okay without having a label as I don't really like them, but I have a question. I don't really find myself "attracted" to people and the thought of having sex genuinely horrifies me. However, I can get turned on when I read, ya know, sexy things. This is both manga and books btw. I'm pretty uneducated about asexuality, but it's kinda embarrassing to talk about my manga habits irl si I can't really ask about it. Any insights would be appreciated.
I'm asexual and I absolutely love smexy manga. I think the main difference is one has you involved while a manga is a story about others. If I imagine myself in the same situations as the characters in the manga I'm reading, it disgusts me. But, when it's about others, I love it. Hope that helps!
I’m not asexual but some people finds sex disgusting/horrifying (or anything negative) due to a trauma. I have a friend that was in this case and the therapist was encouraging her to get past this trauma. Anyway, you can’t know until you have tried but sex is literally just a pass-time (since it’s not needed to live) so not having sex is as normal as not playing video games. So try it out when you feel like it even if that never happens.
Not asexual but bi. But there was a time I thought I was asexual when I'm younger. My only advice is to take your time. if you feel sexual urges but isnt sure about your preferences, then it hasn't come on you yet. and IDK, if you feel it I don't think you're asexual. Don't get impatient you will figure it out later on.
Wait but did Minjun ever get his stuff? I feel like they could've gotten it while they waited for the lawyer....
We have the same priorities hahahhaha
Was thinking the same lol.
Lol if you were in that situation, i wonder if you could even think about those items.
And didn't you see that he just woke up not long before the lawyer arrived? Right-hand man was being considerate. (・–・)\(^-^ )
I mean I don't know if I'd remember immediately, but I'd definitely remember at some point and want my stuff lol