Shit goes down here ngl
96 photo
02 05,2022 created

idk how many pics I can actually get in here but this is all the times I went OH SHIT- as in dammmmnnnn sonnnnn
6 photo
03 06,2022 created

All those times that warm my cold, shriveled heart and make me fan girl scream like a tone-deaf rooster at sun-up.
30 photo
02 05,2022 created

Times where I may have let lose a little chortle- I might’ve released a chuckle if you will. The old wiggly lung. I might’ve swiftly blew air from my lung in amusement.
19 photo
01 06,2022 created

75 photo
28 05,2022 created

0 photo
04 02,2022 created

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