i think i now know the reason why the twin's mom divorce that shit, but i mean they have a great family so i guess florentia will give her best to make that guy, love the lombardy family i think tia will need him tbh. his status and knowledge would prolly be helpful.
ya'll can spoil me, i need that shit rn.
i want to give them awards so bad,
Jian yi good at twisting the plot and being the mood changer,
Zheng zhi being the guard who protects jian yi and with that sicko moves he showed,
He tian the freaking trigger for simping squad and he also knows how to follow jian yi's lead,
and little mo the character who doesn't have any idea what's happening but oh wow he's the next Nezuko...
Putanginang yawa, si ml nandiyan na ackkkkkk